Theory SafeRASemantics

Up to index of Isabelle/HOL/CoreSafe

theory SafeRASemantics
imports SafeExpr SVMState

(*  Title:      Resource-Aware Safe Semantics
    Author:     Ricardo Peņa and Javier de Dios
    Copyright:  May 2008, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

header {* Resource-Aware Operational semantics of Safe expressions *}

theory SafeRASemantics
imports SafeExpr "../SafeImp/SVMState"

  Delta = "(Region \<rightharpoonup> int)"
  MinimumFreshCells = int
  MinimumWords = int
  Resources = "Delta × MinimumFreshCells × MinimumWords"

constdefs sizeVal :: "[HeapMap, Val] => int"
  "sizeVal h v ≡ (case v of (Loc p) => int p
                           | _      => 0)"

constdefs size :: "[HeapMap, Location] => int" where
  "size h p ≡ (case h p of 
               Some (j,C,vs) => (let rp = getRecursiveValuesCell (C,vs)
                                 in 1+ (∑i∈rp. sizeVal h (vs!i))))"

constdefs balanceCells :: "Delta => int"  ("\<parallel> _ \<parallel>" [71] 70)
  "balanceCells δ ≡ (∑n∈ran δ. n)"

constdefs addDelta :: "Delta => Delta => Delta"  (infix "⊕" 110)
  "addDelta δ1 δ2 ≡ (%x. (if x ∈ dom δ1 ∩ dom δ2
                          then (case δ1 x of (Some y) => 
                                    case δ2 x of (Some z) => Some (y + z))
                          else if x ∈ dom δ1 - dom δ2 
                               then δ1 x
                               else if x ∈ dom δ2 - dom δ1
                                    then δ2 x
                                    else None))"

constdefs emptyDelta :: "nat => nat \<rightharpoonup> int"  ( "[]_" [71] 70)
 "[]k ≡ (%i. if i ∈ {0..k} 
                then Some 0
                else None)"

consts def_copy :: "nat => Heap => bool"

  SafeRASem :: "[Environment ,HeapMap, nat, nat, unit Exp, HeapMap, nat, Val, Resources ] => bool"   
             ( "_ \<turnstile> _ , _ , _ , _ \<Down> _ , _ , _ , _ " [71,71,71,71,71,71,71] 70)

   litInt :  "E \<turnstile> h, k, td, (ConstE (LitN i) a) \<Down> h, k, IntT  i,([]k,0,1)" 

|  litBool:  "E \<turnstile> h , k, td, (ConstE (LitB b) a) \<Down> h, k, BoolT b,([]k,0,1)" 

|  var1   :  "E1 x = Some (Val.Loc p) 
              ==> (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h, k, td, (VarE x a) \<Down> h, k, Val.Loc p,([]k,0,1)" 

|  var2   :  "[|E1 x = Some (Val.Loc p); E2 r = Some j;  j <= k;
               copy (h,k) p j = ((h',k),p'); def_copy p (h,k);
               m = size h p|]  
           ==>  (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h, k , td, (x @ r a)\<Down> h', k, Val.Loc p',([j \<mapsto> m],m,2)"

|  var3   :  "[|E1 x = Some (Val.Loc p); h p = Some c;  SafeHeap.fresh q h |]  
          ==> (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h,k,td,(ReuseE x a)\<Down>((h(p:=None))(q \<mapsto> c)),k,Val.Loc q,([]k,0,1)"

|   let1   : "[| ∀ C as r a'. e1 ≠ ConstrE C as r a'; x1 ∉ dom E1; 
               (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h,k,0,e1\<Down> h',k,v1,(δ1,m1,s1);
               (E1(x1 \<mapsto> v1),E2) \<turnstile> h',k,(td+1),e2\<Down>h'',k,v2,(δ2,m2,s2) |]  
           ==> (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h,k, td,  Let x1 = e1 In e2 a\<Down>h'',k,v2,
                            (δ1⊕δ2,max m1 (m2 + \<parallel>δ1\<parallel>),max (s1+2) (s2+1))"

|  let2   : "[| E2 r = Some j; j ≤ k; fresh p h; x1 ∉ dom E1; r ≠ self;
              (E1(x1 \<mapsto> Val.Loc p),E2) \<turnstile>
              h(p \<mapsto> (j,(C,map (atom2val E1) as))),k, (td+1),e2\<Down>h',k,v2,(δ,m,s)|]  
          ==> (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h,k, td, Let x1 = ConstrE C as r a' In e2 a\<Down>h',k,v2,

|  case1: "[|   i < length alts;
               E1 x  = Some (Val.Loc p);
               h p  = Some (j,C,vs) ;
               alts!i = (pati, ei);
               pati = ConstrP C ps ms;
               xs = (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i))));
               E1' = extend E1 xs vs; 
               def_extend E1 xs vs;
               nr = int (length vs);
               (E1',E2) \<turnstile> h,k, nat ((int td)+ nr), ei \<Down> h',k,v,(δ,m,s)|]  
         ==> (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h,k, td, Case (VarE x a) Of alts a' \<Down> h', k,v,(δ,m, (s+nr))"

|  case1_1: "[| i < length alts;
               E1 x  = Some (IntT n);
               alts!i = (pati, ei);
               pati = ConstP (LitN n);
               (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h,k, td, ei \<Down> h',k,v,(δ,m,s)|]  
         ==> (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h,k, td, Case (VarE x a) Of alts a' \<Down> h', k,v,(δ,m,s)"

|  case1_2: "[| i < length alts;
               E1 x  = Some (BoolT b);
               alts!i = (pati, ei);
               pati = ConstP (LitB b);
               (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h,k, td, ei \<Down> h',k,v,(δ,m,s)|]  
         ==> (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h,k, td, Case (VarE x a) Of alts a' \<Down> h', k,v,(δ,m,s)"

| case2: "[|    i < length alts;
               E1 x  = Some (Val.Loc p);
               h p  = Some (j,C,vs);
               alts!i = (pati, ei);
               pati = ConstrP C ps ms;
               xs = (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i))));
               E1' = extend E1 xs vs; 
               def_extend E1 xs vs;
               nr = int (length vs);
               j <= k;
               (E1',E2) \<turnstile> h(p :=None),k, nat ((int td)+ nr), ei \<Down> h',k,v,(δ,m,s)|]  
           ==> (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h,k, td, CaseD (VarE x a) Of alts a' \<Down> h', k,v,
                                           (δ⊕(empty(j\<mapsto>-1)),max 0 (m - 1),s+nr)"

|   app_primops: "[| primops f = Some oper;
                    v1 = atom2val E1 a1;
                    v2 = atom2val E1 a2;
                    v = execOp oper v1 v2|] 
                ==> (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h,k, td, AppE f [a1,a2] [] a \<Down>  h, k,v,([]k,0,2)"

|   app: "[| Σf f = Some (xs,rs,e); primops f = None;
            distinct xs; distinct rs; dom E1 ∩ set xs = {};
            length xs = length as; length rs = length rr;
            E1' = map_of (zip xs (map (atom2val E1) as)); 
            n = length xs; 
            l = length rs;
            E2' = (map_of (zip rs  (map (theoE2) rr))) (self \<mapsto> Suc k);
            (E1',E2')  \<turnstile> h, (Suc k), (n+l), e\<Down> h', (Suc k),v,(δ,m,s);
            h'' =  h' |` {p. p ∈ dom h' & fst (the (h' p)) ≤ k} |] 
        ==> (E1,E2) \<turnstile>  h,k, td, AppE f as rr a \<Down> h'', k,v,
             (δ(k+1:=None),m,max((int n)+(int l))(s+ (int n)+(int l) - int td))"
