Theory SVM2JVM

Up to index of Isabelle/HOL/SafeImp

theory SVM2JVM
imports SVMState RTSCore HaskellLib

(* Title: Translation from Safe Virtual Machine to JVM
   Author: Delfin Rup'erez and Ricardo Pe~na
   Copyright: June 2008, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

header {* Translation from SVM to JVM *}

theory SVM2JVM
imports "../JVMSAFE/JVMInstructions" SVMState RTSCore HaskellLib 

types pc = nat
      codeMap = "PC \<rightharpoonup> pc"
      contMap = "CodeLabel \<rightharpoonup> nat"
      consMap = "Constructor \<rightharpoonup> nat"

subsection {* Initialisation code *}

text{* Initialise cell creation, region stack, and machine stack. 
The corresponding initialisation method of each class is called. *}

constdefs initSizeTable :: "SizesTable => bytecode"
"initSizeTable st ≡ (
    case st of (c,r,s) =>
       [LitPush (Intg (int c)),
        Invoke_static dirCellC makeDirectory [PrimT Integer], 
        LitPush (Intg (int r)),
        Invoke_static heapC makeHeap [PrimT Integer],         
        LitPush (Intg (int s)),
        Invoke_static stackC setmaxSize [PrimT Integer]])"

text {* Initialise the runtime constructor table. *}

(* It fills the type of argument j of the current constructor *)
constdefs auxOneArg :: "(ArgType ×  nat) => bytecode"
"auxOneArg arT   ≡ 
       (let j      = snd arT;
            argTyp = (case (fst arT) of
                         IntArg => 1
                       | BoolArg => 2
                       | NonRecursive => 3
                       | Recursive => 4)
        in [Dup,
            LitPush (Intg (int j)),
            LitPush (Intg argTyp),
(* It fills all the fields of constructor i *)
constdefs fillsOneConstructor :: "((nat × nat × ArgType list) × nat) 
                                 => instr list"    
"fillsOneConstructor tuple ≡
       (let ((tagl,nargs,argTypes),i) = tuple;
            typePairs                 = zip argTypes [0..<nargs];
            codePairs                 = map auxOneArg typePairs
        in  [Getstatic tablef consTableC,
             LitPush (Intg (int i)),
             Dup, Dup,
             LitPush (Intg (int tagl)),
             Putfield tagLf consDataC,
             LitPush (Intg (int nargs)),
             Putfield nargsf consDataC,
             Getfield tipoArgsf consDataC]
             @ concat codePairs @ [Pop])"

constdefs initConsTable :: "ConstructorTableType => instr list"
"initConsTable  ct  ≡ 
        (let len      = length ct;
             tuples   = map (% (C,(n,tag,atypes)) . (tag,n,atypes)) ct;
             fillCode = map fillsOneConstructor (zip tuples [0..<len])
         in [LitPush (Intg (int len)),
             Invoke_static consTableC makeConsTable [PrimT Integer]]
             @ concat fillCode)"                 

subsection{* Generic translation functions *}

text{* The translation functions are: 

\item {\sl trSVM2JVM} translates a complete SafeImp program into a JVM
program consisting in a single class ''PSafe'', with a single method called
''PSafeMain'', containing the in-line JVM code of the translation.

\item {\sl trCodeStore} takes the code store part of the SafeImp program
and produces the bytecode part of the JVM program, together with a code map
mapping SVM program counters into JVM ones, and a continuation map mapping
each SafeImp continuation code label into a distinct natural number global
to the program. The first part of the bytecode is a function table solving
forward references in the code, and a continuation switch translating the
continuation natural numbers into jumps to the correponding continuation
code labels.

\item {\sl trSeq} translates a single SafeImp sequence of SVM
instructions. It receives the next available JVM pc and returns the next
not used pc. It also updates the current code and continuation maps.

\item {\sl trInstrAux} translates a single SVM instruction into a bytecode
sequence. It updates the next available JVM pc and the codemap. The actual
bytecode generation is done by {\sl trInstr}.


 trInstr   :: "[pc,codeMap,contMap,consMap,pc,SafeInstr] => instr list"

text{* Translate Constructor Table: Each constructor is given a 
distinct number *}

constdefs  trConsTable :: "ConstructorTableType => consMap"
"trConsTable ct  ≡ (
         let len = length ct
         in  map_of (zip (map fst ct) [0..<len]))"

 trInstrAux :: "[CodeLabel,contMap,consMap,pc,pc×nat×codeMap,SafeInstr] 
                 => (pc×nat×codeMap) × instr list"
 "trInstrAux p ctmap com pcc state safeinstr == (
             case state of (pc,i,cdmap) =>
             let cdmap' = cdmap ((p,i) \<mapsto> pc);
                 instrs = trInstr pc cdmap' ctmap com pcc safeinstr;
                 n      = length instrs
             in  ((pc+n,i+1,cdmap'),instrs))"

 trSeq :: "[contMap,consMap,pc,pc×codeMap,CodeLabel×CodeSequence×FunName]
            => (pc×codeMap)× instr list"
 "trSeq ctmap com pcc state seq == (
             let (pc,cdmap) = state;
                 (p,svms,f) = seq;
                 ((pc',n,cdmap'),instss) = 
                   mapAccumL (trInstrAux p ctmap com pcc) (pc,0,cdmap) svms
             in ((pc',cdmap'),concat instss))"

(* This axiom reflects properties that the SVM code must satisfy *)
axioms svms_good:
 "distinct (map fst (svms::SVMCode))"

 trCodeStore :: "[CodeLabel,pc,ContinuationMap,consMap,SVMCode] 
                    => instr list × codeMap × contMap"
 "trCodeStore inip inipc ctmap com svmss == (
    let (fs,ps,contss) = unzip3 ctmap;
        conts          = concat contss;
        nc             = length conts;
        nf             = length fs;
        cdini          = map_of (zip (zip ps (replicate nf 0))[inipc+1..<inipc+nf+1]);
        ctm            = map_of (zip conts [1..<nc+1]);
        pcc            = inipc + nf + 1;
        ((pc,cdm),iss) = mapAccumL (trSeq ctm com pcc) (pcc + 1,cdini) svmss;
        funJumps       = zipWith (% p n. int(the(cdm (p,0)))-int n)
                         ps [inipc+1..<inipc+nf+1];
        funTable       = map Goto funJumps;
        contSwitch     = Tableswitch 1 (int nc) (map 
                         ((% n. n-int pcc) o int o the o cdm o (% p.(p,0)))
    in (Goto (int (the (cdm (inip,0)))-int inipc) # funTable 
        @ (contSwitch # concat iss),cdm,ctm))"

-- "Names and signature of the translated program single class and method"

  safeP :: cname
  "safeP ≡ Cname ''SafeP''"
  safeMain :: mname
  "safeMain ≡ ''PSafeMain''"
  sigSafeMain :: sig
  "sigSafeMain ≡ (safeMain,[])"

text{* It generates code to  initialize the runtime system by creating 
the  constructor table, the cells, the heap and the stack. Then, it 
translates the SVM instructions. *}

 trSVM2JVM :: "SafeImpProg => jvm_prog × codeMap × contMap
                                        × consMap"
 "trSVM2JVM prog == (
   let ((svms,ctmap),ini,constable,sizeTable) = prog;
       instrConsTable   = initConsTable constable;
       lenCT            = length instrConsTable;
       comap            = trConsTable constable;
       instrSizeTable   = initSizeTable sizeTable; 
       lenST            = length instrSizeTable;
       (instrs,cdm,ctm) = trCodeStore ini (lenCT+lenST) ctmap comap svms;
       method           = (sigSafeMain,PrimT Void,
                          (10,10,instrConsTable @ instrSizeTable @ instrs,[]));
       classes          = [(safeP,objectC,[],[method])]
   in  (classes @ Prog_RTS,cdm,ctm,comap))"

(* Extract bytecode of safeMain method *)
 extractBytecode :: "jvm_prog => bytecode"
 "extractBytecode P ≡ (fst (snd (snd (snd (snd (the (method' (P, safeP) sigSafeMain)))))))"

subsection{* Specific translation from each SafeImp instruction to bytecode *}

text{* Auxiliary functions of trInstr *}

text{* {\sl trAddr} translates two absolute addresses into a relative one.
Used in JVM instructions Goto and Tableswitch. *}

 trAddr :: "[nat,nat] => int"
 "trAddr addr1 addr2 == int addr1 - int addr2"

text{* {\sl nat2Str} translates a nat into a string *}
 nat2Str :: "nat => string"
"nat2Str v == (if v = 1  then ''1'' 
            else if v = 2 then ''2'' 
             else if v = 3 then ''3''
              else if v = 4 then ''4''
                else if v = 5 then ''5''
                 else if v = 6 then ''6''
                  else if v = 7 then ''7''
                   else ''8'')"
text{* PC Increases *}

  incCall :: nat
  "incCall ≡ 1"
  incPop :: nat
  "incPop ≡ 24"
  incMatchN :: nat
  "incMatchN ≡ 7"

text{* These are fragments of MATCH and MATCHD translations. *}

   endlabel1 :: int
   endlabel2 :: int
   endlabel3 :: int
   endlabel4 :: int
   endlabel5 :: int
   endlabel6 :: int
   endlabel7 :: int
   endlabel8 :: int
   label1 :: int
   label2 :: int
   label3 :: int
   label4 :: int
   label5 :: int
   label6 :: int
   label7 :: int
   label8 :: int
   labelEndLoop :: int
   labelLoop :: int

   InstLabel1 :: "instr list"
   "InstLabel1 ≡ [Getstatic Sf stackC, (* S[top-i] \<leftarrow> o.arg1 *)
                  Getstatic topf stackC,
                  Load 5,
                  BinOp Substract,
                  Load 6,
                  Getfield arg1 cellC,
                  Goto endlabel1]"
   nlab1 :: nat
   "nlab1 ≡ length InstLabel1"

   InstLabel2 :: "instr list"
   "InstLabel2 ≡ [Getstatic Sf stackC, (* S[top-i] \<leftarrow> o.arg2 *)
                  Getstatic topf stackC,
                  Load 5,
                  BinOp Substract,
                  Load 6,
                  Getfield arg2 cellC,
                  Goto endlabel2]"
   nlab2 :: nat
   "nlab2 ≡ length InstLabel2"

   InstLabel3 :: "instr list"
   "InstLabel3 ≡ [Getstatic Sf stackC, (* S[top-i] \<leftarrow> o.arg3 *)
                  Getstatic topf stackC,
                  Load 5,
                  BinOp Substract,
                  Load 6,
                  Getfield arg3 cellC,
                  Goto endlabel3]"
   nlab3 :: nat
   "nlab3 ≡ length InstLabel3"

   InstLabel4 :: "instr list"
   "InstLabel4 ≡ [Getstatic Sf stackC, (* S[top-i] \<leftarrow> o.arg4 *)
                  Getstatic topf stackC,
                  Load 5,
                  BinOp Substract,
                  Load 6,
                  Getfield arg4 cellC,
                  Goto  endlabel4]"
   nlab4 :: nat
   "nlab4 ≡ length InstLabel4"
   InstLabel5 :: "instr list"
   "InstLabel5 ≡ [Getstatic Sf stackC, (* S[top-i] \<leftarrow> o.arg5 *)
                  Getstatic topf stackC,
                  Load 5,
                  BinOp Substract,
                  Load 6,
                  Getfield arg5 cellC,
                  Goto endlabel5]"
   nlab5 :: nat
   "nlab5 ≡ length InstLabel5"
   InstLabel6 :: "instr list"
   "InstLabel6 ≡ [Getstatic Sf stackC, (* S[top-i] \<leftarrow> o.arg6 *)
                  Getstatic topf stackC,
                  Load 5,
                  BinOp Substract,
                  Load 6,
                  Getfield arg6 cellC,
                  Goto endlabel6]"
   nlab6 :: nat
   "nlab6 ≡ length InstLabel6"
   InstLabel7 :: "instr list"
   "InstLabel7 ≡ [Getstatic Sf stackC, (* S[top-i] \<leftarrow> o.arg7 *)
                  Getstatic topf stackC,
                  Load 5,
                  BinOp Substract,
                  Load 6,
                  Getfield arg7 cellC,
                  Goto endlabel7]"
   nlab7 :: nat
   "nlab7 ≡ length InstLabel7"

   InstLabel8 :: "instr list"
   "InstLabel8 ≡ [Getstatic Sf stackC, (* S[top-i] \<leftarrow> o.arg8 *)
                  Getstatic topf stackC,
                  Load 5,
                  BinOp Substract,
                  Load 6,
                  Getfield arg8 cellC,
                  Goto endlabel8]"
   nlab8 :: nat
   "nlab8 ≡ length InstLabel8"

   Match11 :: "nat => instr list" 
   "Match11 l ≡ [Getstatic Sf stackC, (* load S!l *)
                Getstatic topf stackC,
                LitPush (Intg (int l)),
                BinOp Substract,
                Store 1,               (* local1 \<leftarrow> b *)
                Getstatic safeDirf dirCellC,
                Load 1,
                Store 6,               (* local6 \<leftarrow> o *)
                Load 6,
                Getfield tagGf cellC,
                Store 2,               (* local2 \<leftarrow> TagG *)
                Getstatic tablef consTableC,
                Load 2,
                Getfield tagLf consDataC,
                Store 3,               (* local3 \<leftarrow> tagL *)
                Getfield nargsf consDataC,
                Store 4,               (* local4 \<leftarrow> nargs *)
                LitPush (Intg 0),      (* i \<leftarrow> 0 *)
                Store 5,               (* local5 \<leftarrow> i*) 
                Getstatic topf stackC, 
                Load 4,   
                BinOp Add,
                Putstatic topf stackC (* top \<leftarrow> top + nargs *)]"
   nMatch11 :: nat
   "nMatch11 ≡ length (Match11 0)"

   Match12 :: "instr list" 
   "Match12 ≡ [Load 4,          (* nargs *)
                Load 5,                (* i *)
                Ifcmp GreaterEqual labelEndLoop, (*  i ≥  nargs ? *)
                Load 5,                (* no, load argument i *)
                Tableswitch 0 7 [label1,label2,label3,label4,
   nMatch12 :: nat
   "nMatch12 ≡ length Match12"

   Match2 :: "instr list"
  "Match2 ≡ [Load 5,
            LitPush (Intg 1),
            BinOp Add,
            Store 5,               (* i = i + 1 *) 
            Goto labelLoop]"  
   nMatch2 :: nat
   "nMatch2 ≡ 5"

text{* PC increases for MATCH and MATCHD *}

endlabel1_def: "endlabel1 ≡ int (nlab2 + nlab3 + nlab4 + nlab5 + nlab6 + nlab7 + nlab8 + 1)" 
endlabel2_def: "endlabel2 ≡ int (nlab3 + nlab4 + nlab5 + nlab6 + nlab7 + nlab8 + 1)"
endlabel3_def: "endlabel3 ≡ int (nlab4 + nlab5 + nlab6 + nlab7 + nlab8 + 1)"
endlabel4_def: "endlabel4 ≡ int (nlab5 + nlab6 + nlab7 + nlab8 + 1)"
endlabel5_def: "endlabel5 ≡ int (nlab6 + nlab7 + nlab8 + 1)" 
endlabel6_def: "endlabel6 ≡ int (nlab7 + nlab8 + 1)" 
endlabel7_def: "endlabel7 ≡ int (nlab8 + 1)"
endlabel8_def: "endlabel8 ≡ 1" 

label1_def:    "label1 ≡ 1" 
label2_def:    "label2 ≡ int (nlab1 + 1)"
label3_def:    "label3 ≡ int (nlab1 + nlab2 + 1)" 
label4_def:    "label4 ≡ int (nlab1 + nlab2 + nlab3 + 1)" 
label5_def:    "label5 ≡ int (nlab1 + nlab2 + nlab3 + nlab4 + 1)" 
label6_def:    "label6 ≡ int (nlab1 + nlab2 + nlab3 + nlab4 + nlab5 + 1)" 
label7_def:    "label7 ≡ int (nlab1 + nlab2 + nlab3 + nlab4 + nlab5 + nlab6 + 1)"
label8_def:    "label8 ≡ int (nlab1 + nlab2 + nlab3 + nlab4 + nlab5 + nlab6 + nlab7 + 1)" 

labelEndLoop_def: "labelEndLoop ≡ int (nlab1 + nlab2 + nlab3 + nlab4 + nlab5 + nlab6 + nlab7 
                                + nlab8 + 3 + nMatch2)"

labelLoop_def: "labelLoop ≡ -int (nlab1 + nlab2 + nlab3 + nlab4 + nlab5 + nlab6 + nlab7 
                           + nlab8 + nMatch2 + nMatch12) + 1"

  incMatch :: nat
  "incMatch ≡ nMatch11 + nMatch12 + nlab1 + nlab2 + nlab3 + nlab4 + nlab5 + nlab6 + nlab7 
                           + nlab8 + nMatch2 + 1"
  incMatchD :: nat
  "incMatchD ≡ nMatch11 + nMatch12 + nlab1 + nlab2 + nlab3 + nlab4 + nlab5 + nlab6 + nlab7 
                           + nlab8 + nMatch2 + 3"

text{* These are fragments of BUILDENV and BUILDCLS translations *}

 pushAux' :: "Item =>  nat => instr list"

"pushAux' (ItemConst v) i = 
               [Getstatic Sf stackC,
                Load 1,                  (* load top+n *)
                LitPush (Intg (int i)),
                BinOp Substract, 
                (if (isBool v = True) 
                    then LitPush (Bool (the_BoolT v)) 
                    else LitPush (Intg (the_IntT v))),
                ArrStore                 (* S[top+n-i] \<leftarrow> v *)
 "pushAux' (ItemVar l) i = 
               [Getstatic Sf stackC,
                Getstatic topf stackC,
                LitPush (Intg (int l)),
                BinOp Substract,
                Store 2,                 (* v \<leftarrow> S!l *)  
                Getstatic Sf stackC,
                Load 1,                  (* load top+n *)
                LitPush (Intg (int i)),
                BinOp Substract,
                Load 2,                  (* load v *) 
                ArrStore                 (* S[top+n-i] \<leftarrow> v *)
 "pushAux' (ItemRegSelf) i = 
               [Getstatic Sf stackC,
                Load 1,              (* load top+n *) 
                LitPush (Intg (int i)),
                BinOp Substract,
                Getstatic kf heapC,
                ArrStore             (* S[top+n-i] \<leftarrow> k *)

 pushAux :: "Item ×  nat => instr list"
 "pushAux pair == case pair of (it,i) => pushAux' it i"

text{* {\sl regAux} selects the region where to insert the fresh cell *}
  regAux :: "Item => instr list"
   "regAux (ItemRegSelf) = 
               [Getstatic kf heapC,
                Store 3]" (* local3 \<leftarrow> k *)
  "regAux (ItemVar l) = 
               [Getstatic Sf stackC,
                Getstatic topf stackC,
                LitPush (Intg (int l)),
                BinOp Substract,
                Store 3]" (* local3 \<leftarrow> S!l *) 

text{* {\sl fillAux'} fills the cell *}

  fillAux' :: "Item => nat => instr list"
   "fillAux' (ItemVar l) i =
              [Load 2,     (* Load object Cell *)
               Getstatic Sf stackC,       (* load S!l  *)
               Getstatic topf stackC,
               LitPush (Intg (int l)),
               BinOp Substract,
               Putfield (VName (''arg''@ nat2Str i)) cellC]" 

    "fillAux' (ItemConst v) i =
               [Load 2,     (* load object Cell *)
                (if (isBool v = True) then LitPush (Bool (the_BoolT v))
                      else  LitPush (Intg (the_IntT v))),
                Putfield (VName (''arg''@ nat2Str i)) cellC]"

  fillAux :: "Item × nat => instr list"
  "fillAux pair == case pair of (it,i) => fillAux' it i"

text{* Translation to bytecode of each SafeImp Instruction *}


  "trInstr pc cdm ctm com pcc DECREGION   = 
                           [Invoke_static heapC decregion []]"

  "trInstr pc cdm ctm com pcc (SLIDE m n) = 
                           [LitPush (Intg (int m)),
                            LitPush (Intg (int n)),
                            Invoke_static stackC slide [PrimT Integer, 
                                                        PrimT Integer]]"
  "trInstr pc cdm ctm com pcc (CALL p) = (
                             let pc1    = the(cdm(p,0));
                                 offset = trAddr pc1 (pc + incCall) 
                             in  [Invoke_static heapC pushRegion [], 
                                  Goto offset] )"  
  "trInstr pc cdm ctm com pcc (PRIMOP oper) = 
                      [Getstatic Sf stackC,   (* load S[top - 1] *)
                       Getstatic topf stackC, 
                       LitPush (Intg 1),
                       BinOp Substract,
                       Dup2,                  (* Dup 2 top opstack *)
                       Store 1,               (* save v2 *)
                       Getstatic Sf stackC, 
                       Getstatic topf stackC, 
                       Load 1,                (* push v2 on top of v1 *)
                       BinOp oper,            (* compute v1 op v2 *)
                       ArrStore,              (* store it at S[top - 1] *)
                       Getstatic topf stackC, (* top <- top - 1 *)
                       LitPush (Intg 1),
                       BinOp Substract,
                       Putstatic topf stackC]"
  "trInstr pc cdm ctm com pcc REUSE = 
                      [Getstatic Sf stackC, 
                       Getstatic topf stackC, 
                       Invoke_static heapC copyCell [PrimT Integer],
                       Store 1,                    (* local1 <- p *)
                       Getstatic Sf stackC, 
                       Getstatic topf stackC, 
                       Load 1,                     (* S[top] <- p *) 

  "trInstr pc cdm ctm com pcc COPY =
                      [Getstatic Sf stackC, 
                       Getstatic topf stackC,
                       Store 1,                    (* local1 <- b *)
                       Getstatic Sf stackC, 
                       Getstatic topf stackC, 
                       LitPush (Intg 1), 
                       BinOp Substract, 
                       Store 2,
                       Load 1,                     (* local2 <- j *)
                       Load 2, 
                       Invoke_static heapC copyRTS [PrimT Integer, 
                                                    PrimT Integer],
                       Store 3,                    (* local3 <- b' *)
                       Getstatic topf stackC,
                       LitPush (Intg 1),
                       BinOp Substract,
                       Putstatic topf stackC,      (* top <- top - 1 *)
                       Getstatic Sf stackC, 
                       Getstatic topf stackC, 
                       Load 3, 
                       ArrStore]"                  (* S[top] <- b' *)  
  "trInstr pc cdm ctm com pcc POPCONT = 
                      [Getstatic Sf stackC,        
                       Getstatic topf stackC,
                       Store 1,                 (* local1 <- b *)
                       LitPush (Intg 1),           
                       BinOp Substract, 
                       Store 2,                 (* local2 <- k' *) 
                       LitPush (Intg 2),           
                       BinOp Substract,
                       Store 3,                 (* local3 <- p *)
                       LitPush (Intg 2),           
                       BinOp Substract,
                       Putstatic topf stackC,   (* top <- top - 2 *) 
                       Load 1,                    
                       ArrStore,                (* S[top] <- b *) 
                       Load 2,                     
                       Putstatic k0f heapC,     (* k0 <- k' *)
                       Load 3,                  (* jump to continuation *)  
                       Goto (trAddr pcc (pc + incPop))]"

  "trInstr pc cdm ctm com pcc  (PUSHCONT p) = 
                         ( let n = the(ctm(p))
                      [Getstatic topf stackC,
                       LitPush (Intg 1), 
                       BinOp Add,
                       Putstatic topf stackC,      (* top <- top + 1 *)
                       Getstatic Sf stackC,
                       Getstatic topf stackC,
                       LitPush (Intg (int n)), 
                       ArrStore,                   (* S[top] <- p' *)
                       Getstatic topf stackC,
                       LitPush (Intg 1),
                       BinOp Add,
                       Putstatic topf stackC,      (* top <- top + 1 *)
                       Getstatic Sf stackC,
                       Getstatic topf stackC, 
                       Getstatic k0f heapC,
                       ArrStore,                   (* S[top] <- k0 *)
                       Getstatic kf heapC,         (* k0 <- k *) 
                       Putstatic k0f heapC])"

  "trInstr pc cdm ctm com pcc (MATCHN l v m ps) = 
                  (let pcs  = map (%p.(the(cdm(p,0)))) ps;
                       pcs' = map (%n.(trAddr n (pc + incMatchN))) pcs    
                   in  [Getstatic Sf stackC,        (* load S!l *)
                       Getstatic topf stackC,
                       LitPush (Intg (int l)),
                       BinOp Substract,
                       LitPush (Intg (int v)),      (* substract v *)
                       BinOp Substract,
                       Tableswitch 0 (int (m + 1)) pcs'])"

  "trInstr pc cdm ctm com pcc (MATCH l ps) = 
                  (let len  = length ps;
                       pcs  = map (%p.(the(cdm(p,0)))) ps;
                       pcs' = map (%n.(trAddr n(pc + incMatch))) pcs
                   in  Match11 l  @ Match12 @
                       InstLabel1 @ InstLabel2 @ InstLabel3 @ InstLabel4 @
                       InstLabel5 @ InstLabel6 @ InstLabel7 @ InstLabel8 @
                       Match2 @
                       [Load 3,                     (* Load tagL *)
                       Tableswitch 0 (int (len - 1)) pcs'])" 

  "trInstr pc cdm ctm com pcc (MATCHD l ps) = 
                  (let len = length ps;
                       pcs = map (%p.(the(cdm(p,0)))) ps;
                       pcs' = map (%n.(trAddr n(pc + incMatchD))) pcs
                   in  Match11 l  @ Match12 @
                       InstLabel1 @ InstLabel2 @ InstLabel3 @ InstLabel4 @
                       InstLabel5 @ InstLabel6 @ InstLabel7 @ InstLabel8 @
                       Match2 @
                       [Load 1,                     (* release Cell b *)
                       Invoke_static dirCellC releaseCell [PrimT Integer],
                       Load 3,                      (* Load tagL *)
                       Tableswitch 0 (int (len - 1)) pcs'])" 
  "trInstr pc cdm ctm com pcc (BUILDENV its) =
               (let n       = length its;
                    genCode = map pushAux (zip its [0..<n])
                in  [Getstatic topf stackC,
                    LitPush (Intg (int n)),
                    BinOp Add,
                    Store 1]            (* local1 \<leftarrow> top + n *)
                    @ concat genCode 
                    @ [Load 1, Putstatic topf stackC])" 
  "trInstr pc cdm ctm com pcc (BUILDCLS c its item) =
              (let tagg   = the(com c);  
                   n      = length its;
                   codRes = [Invoke_static dirCellC reserveCell [],
                            Store 1,   (* local1 \<leftarrow> p *)
                            Getstatic safeDirf dirCellC,
                            Load 1,
                            Store 2, (* local2 \<leftarrow> o cell *)
                            Load 2,
                            LitPush (Intg (int tagg)),
                            Putfield tagGf cellC];  (* o.tagG = tagg *)     
                   codFil = map fillAux (zip its [1..<n+1]);
                   codIns = [Load 3, 
                            Load 1,
                            Invoke_static heapC insertCell [PrimT Integer,
                                                            PrimT Integer],
                            Getstatic topf stackC,
                            LitPush (Intg 1),
                            BinOp Add,
                            Putstatic topf stackC, (* top \<leftarrow> top + 1 *) 
                            Getstatic Sf stackC,
                            Getstatic topf stackC,
                            Load 1,
                            ArrStore]              (* S[top] \<leftarrow> b *)  
               in codRes @ regAux item @ concat codFil @ codIns)"

(* Activate to generate the compiler pass *)
(* export_code trSVM2JVM in Haskell file "./codeJ" *)


Initialisation code

Generic translation functions

Specific translation from each SafeImp instruction to bytecode