Theory SafeExpr

Up to index of Isabelle/HOL/SafeImp

theory SafeExpr
imports SafeHeap HaskellLib

     Title:      SafeExpr.thy
     Authors:    Javier de Dios Castro, Ricardo Peņa

header {* Normalized Safe Expressions *}

theory SafeExpr imports "../SafeImp/SafeHeap" "../SafeImp/HaskellLib"

text {* This is a somewhat simplified copy of the abstract syntax used by
the Safe compiler.  The idea is that the Haskell code generated by Isabelle
for the definition of the {\sl trProg} function, translating from CoreSafe
to SafeImp, can be directly used as a phase of the compiler. The
simplifications are in expresion LetE and in the definition of 'a Der, in
order to avoid unnecessary mutual recursion between types.
First, we define the key elements of CoreSafe abstract syntax.

  intType :: string
  "intType == ''Int'' "
  boolType :: string
  "boolType == ''Bool'' "

datatype ExpTipo = VarT string
                 | ConstrT string "ExpTipo list" bool "string list"
                 | Rec

datatype AltDato = ConstrA string "(ExpTipo list)" string

types    DecData  = "string × string list  ×  string list  × AltDato list"

datatype Lit = LitN int | LitB bool

datatype 'a Patron = ConstP Lit 
                   | VarP string 'a 
                   | ConstrP string "('a Patron) list" 'a

Now we define the CoreSafe expressions. *}

  ProgVar = string
  RegVar  = string

datatype 'a Exp = ConstE  Lit 'a
                | ConstrE string  "('a Exp) list" RegVar 'a
                | VarE    ProgVar 'a
                | CopyE   ProgVar RegVar 'a       ( "_ @ _ _" 90)
                | ReuseE  ProgVar 'a
                | AppE    FunName "('a Exp) list" "RegVar list" 'a
                | LetE    string  "('a Exp)" "('a Exp)" 'a   
                                               ("Let _ = _ In _ _" 95)  
(*              | CaseIE expr "(int × expr) list"      ("CaseN _ Of _" 95)  *)
                | CaseE   "('a Exp)" "('a Patron × 'a Exp) list"  'a
                                               ("Case _ Of _ _" 95)
                | CaseDE  "('a Exp)" "('a Patron × 'a Exp) list" 'a 
                                               ("CaseD _ Of _ _" 95)  

text {* Now, the rest of the abstract syntax. *}

datatype 'a Der    = Simple "('a Exp)" "int list"

  'a Izq   = "string × ('a Patron  × bool) list  × string list"
  'a Def   = "ExpTipo list × 'a Izq × 'a Der"
  'a Prog  = "DecData list × ('a Def) list ×  'a Exp"

subsection{* Free Variables *} 

fun pat2var :: "'a Patron => string" 
  "pat2var (VarP x _) = x"

fun extractP :: "'a Patron => (string × string list)"
  "extractP (ConstrP C ps a) = (
              let xs = map pat2var ps
              in (C,xs))"

fun extractVar :: "'a Patron => string list"
  "extractVar (ConstrP C ps a) = map pat2var ps"
| "extractVar (ConstP l) = []"
| "extractVar (VarP v a) = [v]"

consts varProgPat   :: "'a Patron => string set"
       varProgPats  :: "'a Patron list => string set"

"varProgPat (ConstP l)         = {}"
"varProgPat (VarP x a)         = {x}" 
"varProgPat (ConstrP C pats a) = varProgPats pats"

"varProgPats []         = {}"
"varProgPats (pat#pats) = varProgPat pat ∪ varProgPats pats"

consts varProg   :: "'a Exp => ProgVar set"
       varProgs  :: "'a Exp list => ProgVar set"
       varProgs' :: "'a Exp list => ProgVar set"
       varProgAlts  :: "('a Patron × 'a Exp) list => string set"
       varProgAlts' :: "('a Patron × 'a Exp) list => string set"
       varProgTup   :: "'a Patron × 'a Exp => string set"
       varProgTup'  :: "'a Patron × 'a Exp => string set"

"varProg (ConstE  Lit a)         = {}"
"varProg (ConstrE C exps r a)    = varProgs exps"
"varProg (VarE    x a)           = {x}"
"varProg (CopyE   x r a)         = {x}"
"varProg (ReuseE  x a)           = {x}"
"varProg (AppE    fn exps rs a)  = varProgs' exps"
"varProg (LetE    x1  e1 e2 a)   = varProg e1 ∪ varProg e2 ∪ {x1}"
"varProg (CaseE   exp alts a)    = varProg exp ∪ varProgAlts alts"
"varProg (CaseDE  exp alts a)    = varProg exp ∪ varProgAlts' alts" 

"varProgs []         = {}"
"varProgs (exp#exps) = varProg exp ∪ varProgs exps"

"varProgs' []         = {}"
"varProgs' (exp#exps) = varProg exp ∪ varProgs' exps"

"varProgAlts []         = {}"
"varProgAlts (alt#alts) = varProgTup alt ∪ varProgAlts alts"

"varProgAlts' []         = {}"
"varProgAlts' (alt#alts) = varProgTup' alt ∪ varProgAlts' alts"

"varProgTup (pat,e) = varProgPat pat ∪ varProg e"

"varProgTup' (pat,e) = varProgPat pat ∪ varProg e"

consts fv      :: "'a Exp => string set"
       fvs     :: "'a Exp list => string set"
       fvs'    :: "'a Exp list => string set"
       fvAlts  :: "('a Patron × 'a Exp) list => string set"
       fvAlts' :: "('a Patron × 'a Exp) list => string set"
       fvTup   :: "'a Patron × 'a Exp => string set"
       fvTup'  :: "'a Patron × 'a Exp => string set"

"fv (ConstE  Lit a) = {}"
"fv (ConstrE C exps rv a) = fvs exps"
"fv (VarE    x a) = {x}"
"fv (CopyE   x rv a) = {x}"
"fv (ReuseE  x a) = {x}"
"fv (AppE    fn exps rvs a) = fvs' exps"
"fv (LetE    x1  e1 e2 a) = fv e1 ∪ fv e2 - {x1}"
"fv (CaseE   exp patexps a) = fvAlts patexps ∪  fv exp"
"fv (CaseDE  exp patexps a) = fvAlts' patexps ∪  fv exp" 

"fvs [] = {}"
"fvs (exp#exps) = fv exp ∪ fvs exps"

"fvs' [] = {}"
"fvs' (exp#exps) = fv exp ∪ fvs' exps"

"fvAlts [] = {}"
"fvAlts (alt#alts) = fvTup alt ∪ fvAlts alts"

"fvAlts' [] = {}"
"fvAlts' (alt#alts) = fvTup' alt ∪ fvAlts' alts"

"fvTup (pat,e) = fv e - set (extractVar pat)"

"fvTup' (pat,e) = fv e - set (extractVar pat)"

consts fvReg      :: "'a Exp => string set"
       fvsReg     :: "'a Exp list => string set"
       fvsReg'    :: "'a Exp list => string set"
       fvAltsReg  :: "('a Patron × 'a Exp) list => string set"
       fvAltsReg' :: "('a Patron × 'a Exp) list => string set"
       fvTupReg   :: "'a Patron × 'a Exp => string set"
       fvTupReg'  :: "'a Patron × 'a Exp => string set"

"fvReg (ConstE  Lit a) = {}"
"fvReg (ConstrE C exps r a) = {r}"
"fvReg (VarE    x a) = {}"
"fvReg (CopyE   x r a) = {r}"
"fvReg (ReuseE  x a) = {}"
"fvReg (AppE    fn exps rvs a) = set rvs"
"fvReg (LetE    x1  e1 e2 a) = fvReg e1 ∪ fvReg e2"
"fvReg (CaseE   exp patexps a) = fvAltsReg patexps"
"fvReg (CaseDE  exp patexps a) = fvAltsReg' patexps" 

"fvAltsReg [] = {}"
"fvAltsReg (alt#alts) = fvTupReg alt ∪ fvAltsReg alts"

"fvAltsReg' [] = {}"
"fvAltsReg' (alt#alts) = fvTupReg' alt ∪ fvAltsReg' alts"

"fvTupReg (pat,e) = fvReg e - varProgPat pat"

"fvTupReg' (pat,e) = fvReg e - varProgPat pat"

consts boundVar      :: "'a Exp => string set"
       boundVars     :: "'a Exp list => string set"
       boundVars'    :: "'a Exp list => string set"
       boundVarAlts  :: "('a Patron × 'a Exp) list => string set"
       boundVarAlts' :: "('a Patron × 'a Exp) list => string set"
       boundVarTup   :: "'a Patron × 'a Exp => string set"
       boundVarTup'  :: "'a Patron × 'a Exp => string set"

"boundVar (ConstE  Lit a) = {}"
"boundVar (ConstrE C exps rv a) = boundVars exps"
"boundVar (VarE    x a) = {}"
"boundVar (CopyE   x rv a) = {}"
"boundVar (ReuseE  x a) = {}"
"boundVar (AppE    fn exps rvs a) = {}"
"boundVar (LetE    x1  e1 e2 a) = {x1}"
"boundVar (CaseE   exp patexps a) = boundVarAlts patexps"
"boundVar (CaseDE  exp patexps a) = boundVarAlts' patexps" 

"boundVars [] = {}"
"boundVars (exp#exps) = boundVar exp ∪ boundVars exps"

"boundVarAlts [] = {}"
"boundVarAlts (alt#alts) = boundVarTup alt ∪ boundVarAlts alts"

"boundVarAlts' [] = {}"
"boundVarAlts' (alt#alts) = boundVarTup' alt ∪ boundVarAlts' alts"

"boundVarTup (pat,e) = set (extractVar pat)"

"boundVarTup' (pat,e) = set (extractVar pat)"

A runtime environment consists of two partial mappings: one from program 
variables to normal form values, and one from region variables 
to actual regions. *}

  Environment = "(ProgVar \<rightharpoonup> Val) × (RegVar \<rightharpoonup> Region) "

The runtime system provides a 'copy' function which generates a new data structure 
from a given location by copying those cells pointed to by recursive argument 
positions of data constructors. The $\Sigma$ environment provides the textual 
definitions of previously defined Safe functions.
Some auxiliary functions: 'extend' extends an environment with a collection
of bindings from variables to values; 'fresh' is a predicate telling
whether a variable is fresh with respect to a heap; 'atom2val', given an
environment and an atom (a program variable or a literal expression)
returns its corresponding value.  *}

constdefs recursiveArgs :: "Constructor => bool list"
 "recursiveArgs C ≡  (let
                       (_,_,args) = the (ConstructorTable C)
                      in map (%a. a = Recursive) args)"

function copy' :: "[Region,HeapMap,(Val × bool)] => (HeapMap × Val)"

   "copy' j h (v,False)        = (h,v)"
|  "copy' j h (Val.Loc p,True) = (let
                                 (k,C,ps) = the (h p);
                                 bs       = recursiveArgs C;
                                 pbs      = zip ps bs;
                                 (h',ps') = mapAccumL (copy' j) h pbs;
                                 p'       = getFresh h'
                                 in (h'(p'\<mapsto>(j,C,ps')),Val.Loc p'))"
|  "copy' j h (IntT i,True)     = (h,IntT i)"
|  "copy' j h (BoolT b,True)    = (h,BoolT b)"
by  pat_completeness auto

function copy :: "[Heap, Location, Region] => (Heap × Location)"
 "copy (h,k) p j = (let 
                     (h',p') = copy' j h (Val.Loc p,True)
                   in case p' of (Val.Loc q) => ((h',k), q))"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by (relation "{}") simp

  Σ :: "FunName \<rightharpoonup> (ProgVar list × RegVar list × 'a Exp)"

   extend :: "[string \<rightharpoonup> Val, ProgVar list, Val list] =>(ProgVar \<rightharpoonup> Val)" where
  "extend E xs vs =  E ++ map_of  (zip xs vs)"

  def_extend :: "[string \<rightharpoonup> Val, ProgVar list, Val list] => bool" where
  "def_extend E xs vs =  (set xs ∩ dom E  = {} ∧ length xs = length vs ∧ distinct xs ∧ (∀ x∈ set xs. x ≠ self))"

(* Hay ora igual en SafeHeap.thy
  fresh :: "Location => HeapMap  => bool"
  "fresh p h ≡ p ∉ dom h"

fun atom2val :: "(ProgVar \<rightharpoonup> Val) => 'a Exp => Val"
  "atom2val E (ConstE (LitN i) a) = IntT i"
| "atom2val E (ConstE (LitB b) a) = BoolT b"
| "atom2val E (VarE x a)          = the (E x)"

Lemmas for extend function

lemma extend_monotone: " x ∉ set xs ==> E x = extend E xs vs x"
apply (induct xs vs  rule:list_induct2')
 apply (simp add: extend_def)
 apply (simp add: extend_def)
 apply (simp add: extend_def)
apply (subgoal_tac "x ∉ set xs",simp)
 apply (subgoal_tac "extend E (xa # xs) (y # ys) = (extend E xs ys)(xa \<mapsto>y)")
  apply simp
 apply (simp add: extend_def)
by simp

lemma list_induct3: 
  "[| P [] 0;
  !!x xs. P (x#xs) 0;
  !!i. P [] (Suc i);
   !!x xs i. P xs i  ==> P (x#xs) (Suc i) |]
 ==> P xs i"
by (induct xs arbitrary: i) (case_tac x, auto)+

lemma extend_monotone_i: 
"i < length alts -->
 length alts > 0  --> 
 x ∉ set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) -->
 E x = extend E  (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs x"
apply (induct alts i rule: list_induct3, simp_all)
 apply (rule impI)
 apply (erule extend_monotone)
apply (rule impI, simp)
by (case_tac "xs=[]",simp_all)

lemma extend_prop1:
"[| z ∈ dom (extend E xs vs); z ∉ set xs; length xs = length vs |]  ==> z ∈ dom E"
apply (simp add: extend_def)
apply (erule disjE)
 apply (simp add: dom_def)
by simp


Free Variables

lemma extend_monotone:

  x  set xs ==> E x = extend E xs vs x

lemma list_induct3:

  [| P [] 0; !!x xs. P (x # xs) 0; !!i. P [] (Suc i);
     !!x xs i. P xs i ==> P (x # xs) (Suc i) |]
  ==> P xs i

lemma extend_monotone_i:

  i < length alts -->
  0 < length alts -->
  x  set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) -->
  E x = extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs x

lemma extend_prop1:

  [| zdom (extend E xs vs); z  set xs; length xs = length vs |] ==> zdom E