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theory ClosureHeap(* Title: Closure Heap Author: Javier de Dios and Ricardo Peņa Copyright: June 2008, Universidad Complutense de Madrid *) header {* Closure Heap *} theory ClosureHeap imports SafeHeap "../CoreSafe/SafeRASemantics" begin (* Closure Definitions *) inductive_set closureL :: "Location => Heap => Location set" for p :: Location and h :: Heap where closureL_basic: "p ∈ closureL p h" | closureL_step: " [|q ∈ closureL p h; d ∈ descendants q h|] ==> d ∈ closureL p h" constdefs closure :: "Environment => string => Heap => Location set" "closure E x h ≡ (case ((fst E) x) of Some (Loc p) => closureL p h | _ => {})" constdefs closureV :: "Val => Heap => Location set" "closureV v h ≡ (case v of IntT i => {} | BoolT b => {} | Loc p => closureL p h)" constdefs closureLS :: "Environment => string set => Heap => Location set" "closureLS E L h ≡ (\<Union>x∈L. closure E x h)" constdefs identityClosure :: "Environment => string => Heap => Heap => bool" "identityClosure E x h hh ≡ closure E x h = closure E x hh ∧ (∀p ∈ closure E x h. (fst h) p = (fst hh) p)" constdefs identityClosureL :: "Location => Heap => Heap => bool" "identityClosureL q h hh ≡ closureL q h = closureL q hh ∧ (∀p ∈ closureL q h. (fst h) p = (fst hh) p)" defs def_copy: "def_copy p h == (∀ q ∈ closureL p h. q ∈ dom (fst h))" (* Scope Definition *) constdefs scope :: "Environment => Heap => Location set" "scope E h ≡ closureLS E (dom (fst E)) h" constdefs live :: "Environment => string set => Heap => Location set" "live E L h ≡ closureLS E L h" (* Closed Definitions *) constdefs closed :: "Environment => string set => Heap => bool" "closed E L h ≡ (live E L h) ⊆ domHeap h" lemma closed_Empty : "closed E {} h" by (simp add: closed_def add: live_def add: closureLS_def) lemma closed_monotone: "closed E (L1 ∪ (L2 - {x1})) h ==> closed E L1 h" by (simp add: closed_def add: live_def add: closureLS_def) constdefs closed_f :: "Val => Heap => bool" "closed_f v h ≡ (case v of IntT i => True | BoolT b => True | Loc p => closureL p h ⊆ domHeap h)" (* RecReach Definitions *) inductive_set recReachL :: "Location => Heap => Location set" for p :: Location and h :: Heap where recReachL_basic: "p ∈ recReachL p h" | recReachL_step: "[| q ∈ recReachL p h; d ∈ recDescendants q h|] ==> d ∈ recReachL p h" constdefs recReach :: "Environment => string => Heap => Location set" "recReach E x h ≡ (case ((fst E) x) of Some (Loc p) => recReachL p h | _ => {})" lemma transit_aux: "[| r ∈ closureL d h |] ==> d ∈ descendants qa h --> r ∈ closureL qa h" apply (erule closureL.induct) apply (rule impI) apply (subgoal_tac "qa ∈ closureL qa h") apply (erule closureL_step, assumption) apply (rule closureL_basic) apply (rule impI) apply (drule mp) apply assumption by (erule closureL_step, assumption) lemma transit_aux2: "[| r ∈ closureL d h; d ∈ descendants qa h |] ==> r ∈ closureL qa h" apply (subgoal_tac "[| r ∈ closureL d h |] ==> d ∈ descendants qa h --> r ∈ closureL qa h", simp) by (rule transit_aux,assumption) lemma transit: "[|p ∈ closureL q h|] ==> ∀r. r ∈ closureL p h --> r ∈ closureL q h" apply (erule closureL.induct) apply simp apply clarsimp apply(erule allE, erule mp) apply (erule thin_rl) by (erule transit_aux2,assumption) lemma closureL_transit: "[|p ∈ closureL q h; r ∈ closureL p h|] ==> r ∈ closureL q h" by (frule transit,simp) lemma closure_transit: "[|p ∈ closure E x h; q ∈ closureL p h|] ==> q ∈ closure E x h" apply (simp add: closure_def) apply (case_tac "fst E x") apply simp apply simp apply (case_tac "a") apply simp_all apply (erule closureL_transit) by assumption lemma closureL_monotone: "p ∈ closureL q (h1', h2') ==> closureL p (h1', h2') ⊆ closureL q (h1', h2')" apply (erule closureL.induct) apply simp apply (subgoal_tac "closureL d (h1', h2') ⊆ closureL qa (h1', h2')") apply blast apply (rule subsetI, rule transit_aux2) apply simp by simp lemma closure_recReach_monotone: "[| p ∈ closure (E1(x1 \<mapsto> r), E2) y (h1', h2'); closureL p (h1', h2') ∩ recReach (E1(x1 \<mapsto> r), E2) x (h1', h2') ≠ {} |] ==> closure (E1(x1 \<mapsto> r), E2) y (h1', h2') ∩ recReach (E1(x1 \<mapsto> r), E2) x (h1', h2') ≠ {}" apply (case_tac "y≠x1") apply (simp add: closure_def) apply (case_tac "E1 y") apply simp apply simp apply (case_tac "a", simp_all,clarsimp) apply (subgoal_tac " p ∈ closureL nat (h1', h2') ==> closureL p (h1', h2') ⊆ closureL nat (h1', h2')") apply blast apply (erule closureL_monotone) apply (simp add: closure_def) apply (case_tac "r",simp_all,clarsimp) apply (subgoal_tac " p ∈ closureL nat (h1', h2') ==> closureL p (h1', h2') ⊆ closureL nat (h1', h2')") apply blast by (erule closureL_monotone) lemma closure_monotone: "[|y ≠ x1;p ∈ closure (E1(x1 \<mapsto> r), E2) y (h1', h2')|] ==> closureL p (h1', h2') ⊆ closure (E1(x1 \<mapsto> r), E2) y (h1', h2')" apply (simp add: closure_def) apply (case_tac "E1 y",simp_all) apply (case_tac "a", simp_all) by (erule closureL_monotone) lemma identityClosureL_monotone_h: " [|x ∈ closureL q h|] ==> q ∈ closureL p h --> identityClosureL p h hh --> x ∈ closureL q hh" apply (erule closureL.induct) apply (intro impI, rule closureL_basic) apply (intro impI) apply simp apply (subgoal_tac "d ∈ descendants qa hh") apply (erule closureL_step,simp) apply (simp add: identityClosureL_def) apply (erule conjE) apply (erule_tac x="qa" in ballE) apply (subgoal_tac "qa ∈ closureL q h") apply (subgoal_tac "d ∈ closureL q h") apply (simp add: descendants_def) apply (erule closureL_step,simp) apply simp apply (subgoal_tac "q ∈ closureL p h") prefer 2 apply simp apply (subgoal_tac "[| qa ∈ closureL q h; q ∈ closureL p h|] ==> qa ∈ closureL p h",simp) by (rule closureL_transit) lemma identityClosureL_monotone_hh: "[|x ∈ closureL q hh|] ==> q ∈ closureL p h --> identityClosureL p h hh --> x ∈ closureL q h" apply (erule closureL.induct) apply (intro impI, rule closureL_basic) apply (intro impI) apply simp apply (subgoal_tac "d ∈ descendants qa h") apply (erule closureL_step,simp) apply (simp add: identityClosureL_def) apply (erule conjE) apply (erule_tac x="qa" in ballE) apply (subgoal_tac "qa ∈ closureL q hh") apply (subgoal_tac "d ∈ closureL q hh") apply (simp add: descendants_def) apply (erule closureL_step,simp) apply simp apply (subgoal_tac "q ∈ closureL p hh") prefer 2 apply simp apply (subgoal_tac "[| qa ∈ closureL q hh; q ∈ closureL p hh|] ==> qa ∈ closureL p hh",simp) by (rule closureL_transit) lemma identityClosureL_monotone: " [|identityClosureL p h hh; q ∈ closureL p h|] ==> identityClosureL q h hh" apply (simp (no_asm) add: identityClosureL_def) apply (rule conjI) apply (rule equalityI) apply (rule subsetI) apply (subgoal_tac "[|x ∈ closureL q h|] ==> q ∈ closureL p h --> identityClosureL p h hh --> x ∈ closureL q hh",simp) apply (rule identityClosureL_monotone_h,simp) apply (rule subsetI) apply (subgoal_tac "[|x ∈ closureL q hh|] ==> q ∈ closureL p h --> identityClosureL p h hh --> x ∈ closureL q h",simp) apply (rule identityClosureL_monotone_hh,simp) apply (simp add: identityClosureL_def) apply (rule ballI) apply (erule conjE) apply (subgoal_tac "q ∈ closureL p h") apply (frule_tac r="pa" and h="h" in closureL_transit) apply (rule closureL_basic) apply (erule_tac x="pa" in ballE,clarsimp) apply (frule_tac r="pa" and h ="h" and p="q" in closureL_transit,clarsimp) apply simp by simp lemma identityClosure_closureL_monotone: "[| identityClosure E x h hh; q ∈ closure E x h|] ==> identityClosureL q h hh" apply (simp add: identityClosure_def) apply (simp add: closure_def) apply (case_tac "fst E x",simp_all) apply (case_tac "a",simp_all) apply (subgoal_tac "closureL nat h = closureL nat hh ∧ (∀p∈closureL nat h. fst h p = fst hh p) --> identityClosureL nat h hh",simp) apply (erule identityClosureL_monotone,simp) by (simp add: identityClosureL_def) lemma recReachL_subseteq_closureL: "recReachL p h ⊆ closureL p h" apply clarify apply (erule recReachL.induct) apply (simp add: closure_def) apply (rule closureL_basic) apply (simp add: closure_def) apply (subgoal_tac "recDescendants q h ⊆ descendants q h") apply (erule closureL_step, blast) apply (simp add: recDescendants_def add: descendants_def) apply (case_tac "fst h q", simp, simp) apply (subgoal_tac "getRecursiveValuesCell (snd a) ⊆ getNonBasicValuesCell (snd a)", simp) apply (simp add: getRecursiveValuesCell_def add: getNonBasicValuesCell_def) apply (simp add: isRecursive_def add: isNonBasicValue_def) apply auto done lemma recReach_subseteq_closure: "recReach E z h ⊆ closure E z h" apply (simp add: recReach_def) apply (case_tac "fst E z",simp_all) apply (case_tac "a",simp_all) apply (simp add: closure_def) by (rule recReachL_subseteq_closureL) lemma identityClosure_equals_recReach_hh: "p∈ recReachL q hh ==> closureL q h = closureL q hh --> (∀p ∈ closureL q h. (fst h) p = (fst hh) p) --> p ∈ recReachL q h" apply (erule recReachL.induct) apply (intro impI) apply (rule recReachL_basic) apply clarsimp apply (erule_tac c="qa" in equalityCE) apply (subgoal_tac " d ∈ recDescendants qa hh ==> d ∈ recDescendants qa h",simp) apply (erule recReachL_step,simp) apply (simp add: recDescendants_def) apply (subgoal_tac " recReachL q h ⊆ closureL q h") apply blast by (rule recReachL_subseteq_closureL) lemma identityClosure_equals_recReach_h: "p∈ recReachL q h ==> closureL q h = closureL q hh --> (∀p ∈ closureL q h. (fst h) p = (fst hh) p) --> p ∈ recReachL q hh" apply (erule recReachL.induct) apply (intro impI) apply (rule recReachL_basic) apply clarsimp apply (erule_tac c="qa" in equalityCE) apply (subgoal_tac " d ∈ recDescendants qa h ==> d ∈ recDescendants qa hh",simp) apply (erule recReachL_step,simp) apply (simp add: recDescendants_def) apply (subgoal_tac " recReachL q hh ⊆ closureL q hh") apply blast by (rule recReachL_subseteq_closureL) lemma identityClosure_equals_recReach: "identityClosure E x h hh ==> recReach E x h = recReach E x hh" apply (simp add: identityClosure_def) apply (simp add: closure_def) apply (case_tac "fst E x",simp_all) apply (simp add: recReach_def) apply (case_tac "a",simp_all) apply (elim conjE) apply (simp_all add: recReach_def) apply (rule equalityI) apply (rule subsetI) apply (subgoal_tac "xa∈ recReachL nat h ==> closureL nat h = closureL nat hh --> (∀p ∈ closureL nat h. (fst h) p = (fst hh) p) --> xa ∈ recReachL nat hh",simp) apply (rule identityClosure_equals_recReach_h,simp) apply (rule subsetI) apply (subgoal_tac "xa∈ recReachL nat hh ==> closureL nat h = closureL nat hh --> (∀p ∈ closureL nat h. (fst h) p = (fst hh) p) --> xa ∈ recReachL nat h",simp) by (rule identityClosure_equals_recReach_hh,simp) (************************* CASE ********************) lemma closure_monotone_extend: "[| ∀i<length alts. set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E = {} ∧ length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs; x∈ dom E; length alts > 0; i < length alts |] ==> closure (E, E') x (h, k) = closure (extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E') x (h, k)" apply (erule_tac x="i" in allE) apply (subgoal_tac " x ∉ set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i))))") apply (subgoal_tac "E x = extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs x") apply (simp add:closure_def) apply (rule extend_monotone_i) apply (simp,simp,simp) by blast lemma closure_monotone_extend_2: "[| set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E = {}; length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs; x∈ dom E; length alts > 0; i < length alts |] ==> closure (E, E') x (h, k) = closure (extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E') x (h, k)" apply (subgoal_tac " x ∉ set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i))))") apply (subgoal_tac "E x = extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs x") apply (simp add:closure_def) apply (rule extend_monotone_i) apply (simp,simp,simp) by blast lemma closure_monotone_extend_3: "[| set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E = {}; length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs; x∈ dom E; length alts > 0; i < length alts; xa ∈ closure (extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E') x (h, k) |] ==> xa ∈ closure (E, E') x (h, k)" apply (subgoal_tac " x ∉ set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i))))") apply (subgoal_tac "E x = extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs x") apply (simp add:closure_def) apply (rule extend_monotone_i) apply (simp,simp,simp) by blast lemma recReach_monotone_extend: "[| ∀i<length alts. set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E = {} ∧ length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs; x ∈ dom E; length alts > 0; i < length alts|] ==> recReach (E, E') x (h, k) = recReach (extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E') x (h, k)" apply (erule_tac x="i" in allE) apply (subgoal_tac " x ∉ set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i))))") apply (subgoal_tac "E x = extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs x") apply (simp add:recReach_def) apply (rule extend_monotone_i) apply (simp,simp,simp) by blast lemma recReach_monotone_extend_2: "[| set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E = {}; length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs; x ∈ dom E; length alts > 0; i < length alts|] ==> recReach (E, E') x (h, k) = recReach (extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E') x (h, k)" apply (subgoal_tac " x ∉ set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i))))") apply (subgoal_tac "E x = extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs x") apply (simp add:recReach_def) apply (rule extend_monotone_i) apply (simp,simp,simp) by blast lemma monotone_extend_closures: "[|∀ i < length assert. fst (assert ! i) ⊆ dom (snd (assert ! i)); ∀ i < length alts. set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E1 = {} ∧ length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs; ∀ i < length assert. dom (snd (assert ! i)) ⊆ dom (extend E1 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs); z∈fst (assert ! i); z ∉ set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))); length alts = length assert; closure (E1, E2) x (h, k) ∩ recReach (E1, E2) z (h, k) ≠ {}; x∈ dom E1; length assert > 0; i < length alts |] ==> closure (extend E1 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E2) x (h, k) ∩ recReach (extend E1 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E2) z (h, k) ≠ {}" apply (subgoal_tac "closure (E1, E2) x (h, k) = closure (extend E1 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E2) x (h, k)") prefer 2 apply (simp,rule closure_monotone_extend,simp,simp,simp,simp) apply (subgoal_tac "z ∈ dom E1") apply (subgoal_tac "recReach (E1, E2) z (h, k) = recReach (extend E1 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E2) z (h, k)") prefer 2 apply (rule recReach_monotone_extend,assumption+,simp,simp) apply (erule_tac x="i" in allE,simp) apply (erule_tac x="i" in allE,simp) apply (erule_tac x="i" in allE,simp) apply (erule_tac x="i" in allE,simp) apply (subgoal_tac "z ∈ dom (extend E1 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs)") prefer 2 apply blast apply (elim conjE) by (rule extend_prop1,assumption+) lemma monotone_extend_closures_i: "[| set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E1 = {} ∧ length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs; fst (assert ! i) ⊆ dom (snd (assert ! i)); z∈fst (assert ! i); z ∉ set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))); length alts = length assert; length alts > 0; closure (E1, E2) x (h, k) ∩ recReach (E1, E2) z (h, k) ≠ {}; dom (snd (assert ! i)) ⊆ dom (extend E1 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs); x∈ dom E1; i < length alts |] ==> closure (extend E1 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E2) x (h, k) ∩ recReach (extend E1 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E2) z (h, k) ≠ {}" apply (elim conjE) apply (subgoal_tac "closure (E1, E2) x (h, k) = closure (extend E1 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E2) x (h, k)") prefer 2 apply (simp, rule closure_monotone_extend_2,simp,assumption+,simp,simp) apply (subgoal_tac "z ∈ dom E1") apply (subgoal_tac "recReach (E1, E2) z (h, k) = recReach (extend E1 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E2) z (h, k)") prefer 2 apply (rule recReach_monotone_extend_2,simp,assumption+,simp) apply (subgoal_tac "z ∈ dom (extend E1 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs)") prefer 2 apply blast by (rule extend_prop1,assumption+) end
lemma closed_Empty:
closed E {} h
lemma closed_monotone:
closed E (L1.0 ∪ (L2.0 - {x1.0})) h ==> closed E L1.0 h
lemma transit_aux:
r ∈ closureL d h ==> d ∈ descendants qa h --> r ∈ closureL qa h
lemma transit_aux2:
[| r ∈ closureL d h; d ∈ descendants qa h |] ==> r ∈ closureL qa h
lemma transit:
p ∈ closureL q h ==> ∀r. r ∈ closureL p h --> r ∈ closureL q h
lemma closureL_transit:
[| p ∈ closureL q h; r ∈ closureL p h |] ==> r ∈ closureL q h
lemma closure_transit:
[| p ∈ closure E x h; q ∈ closureL p h |] ==> q ∈ closure E x h
lemma closureL_monotone:
p ∈ closureL q (h1', h2') ==> closureL p (h1', h2') ⊆ closureL q (h1', h2')
lemma closure_recReach_monotone:
[| p ∈ closure (E1.0(x1.0 |-> r), E2.0) y (h1', h2');
closureL p (h1', h2') ∩ recReach (E1.0(x1.0 |-> r), E2.0) x (h1', h2') ≠
{} |]
==> closure (E1.0(x1.0 |-> r), E2.0) y (h1', h2') ∩
recReach (E1.0(x1.0 |-> r), E2.0) x (h1', h2') ≠
lemma closure_monotone:
[| y ≠ x1.0; p ∈ closure (E1.0(x1.0 |-> r), E2.0) y (h1', h2') |]
==> closureL p (h1', h2') ⊆ closure (E1.0(x1.0 |-> r), E2.0) y (h1', h2')
lemma identityClosureL_monotone_h:
x ∈ closureL q h
==> q ∈ closureL p h --> identityClosureL p h hh --> x ∈ closureL q hh
lemma identityClosureL_monotone_hh:
x ∈ closureL q hh
==> q ∈ closureL p h --> identityClosureL p h hh --> x ∈ closureL q h
lemma identityClosureL_monotone:
[| identityClosureL p h hh; q ∈ closureL p h |] ==> identityClosureL q h hh
lemma identityClosure_closureL_monotone:
[| identityClosure E x h hh; q ∈ closure E x h |] ==> identityClosureL q h hh
lemma recReachL_subseteq_closureL:
recReachL p h ⊆ closureL p h
lemma recReach_subseteq_closure:
recReach E z h ⊆ closure E z h
lemma identityClosure_equals_recReach_hh:
p ∈ recReachL q hh
==> closureL q h = closureL q hh -->
(∀p∈closureL q h. fst h p = fst hh p) --> p ∈ recReachL q h
lemma identityClosure_equals_recReach_h:
p ∈ recReachL q h
==> closureL q h = closureL q hh -->
(∀p∈closureL q h. fst h p = fst hh p) --> p ∈ recReachL q hh
lemma identityClosure_equals_recReach:
identityClosure E x h hh ==> recReach E x h = recReach E x hh
lemma closure_monotone_extend:
[| ∀i<length alts.
set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E = {} ∧
length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs;
x ∈ dom E; 0 < length alts; i < length alts |]
==> closure (E, E') x (h, k) =
closure (extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E') x (h, k)
lemma closure_monotone_extend_2:
[| set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E = {};
length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs; x ∈ dom E;
0 < length alts; i < length alts |]
==> closure (E, E') x (h, k) =
closure (extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E') x (h, k)
lemma closure_monotone_extend_3:
[| set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E = {};
length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs; x ∈ dom E;
0 < length alts; i < length alts;
xa ∈ closure (extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E') x (h, k) |]
==> xa ∈ closure (E, E') x (h, k)
lemma recReach_monotone_extend:
[| ∀i<length alts.
set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E = {} ∧
length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs;
x ∈ dom E; 0 < length alts; i < length alts |]
==> recReach (E, E') x (h, k) =
recReach (extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E') x (h, k)
lemma recReach_monotone_extend_2:
[| set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E = {};
length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs; x ∈ dom E;
0 < length alts; i < length alts |]
==> recReach (E, E') x (h, k) =
recReach (extend E (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E') x (h, k)
lemma monotone_extend_closures:
[| ∀i<length assert. fst (assert ! i) ⊆ dom (snd (assert ! i));
∀i<length alts.
set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E1.0 = {} ∧
length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs;
∀i<length assert.
dom (snd (assert ! i))
⊆ dom (extend E1.0 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs);
z ∈ fst (assert ! i); z ∉ set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i))));
length alts = length assert;
closure (E1.0, E2.0) x (h, k) ∩ recReach (E1.0, E2.0) z (h, k) ≠ {};
x ∈ dom E1.0; 0 < length assert; i < length alts |]
==> closure (extend E1.0 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E2.0) x (h, k) ∩
recReach (extend E1.0 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E2.0) z (h, k) ≠
lemma monotone_extend_closures_i:
[| set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) ∩ dom E1.0 = {} ∧
length (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) = length vs;
fst (assert ! i) ⊆ dom (snd (assert ! i)); z ∈ fst (assert ! i);
z ∉ set (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))); length alts = length assert;
0 < length alts;
closure (E1.0, E2.0) x (h, k) ∩ recReach (E1.0, E2.0) z (h, k) ≠ {};
dom (snd (assert ! i))
⊆ dom (extend E1.0 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs);
x ∈ dom E1.0; i < length alts |]
==> closure (extend E1.0 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E2.0) x (h, k) ∩
recReach (extend E1.0 (snd (extractP (fst (alts ! i)))) vs, E2.0) z (h, k) ≠