Theory JVMExecInstr

Up to index of Isabelle/HOL/SafeImp

theory JVMExecInstr
imports JVMInstructions

(*  Title:      HOL/MicroJava/JVM/JVMExecInstr.thy
    ID:         $Id: JVMExecInstr.thy,v 2002/08/10 19:58:14 kleing Exp $
    Author:     Cornelia Pusch, Gerwin Klein
    Modified:   Delfin Ruperez, June 2008, adding static heap and related
                instructions, and tableswitch instruction
    Copyright   1999 Technische Universitaet Muenchen

header {* \isaheader{JVM Instruction Semantics} *}

theory JVMExecInstr
imports JVMInstructions
text {* the method name of constructors: *}
  init :: mname

text {* replace a by b in l: *}
  replace :: "'a => 'a => 'a list => 'a list"
  "replace a b l == map (λx. if x = a then b else x) l"

text {* some lemmas about replace *}
lemma replace_removes_elem:
  "a ≠ b ==> a ∉ set (replace a b l)"
  by (unfold replace_def) auto

lemma replace_length [simp]: 
  "length (replace a b l) = length l" by (simp add: replace_def)

lemma replace_Nil [iff]:
  "replace x y [] = []" by (simp add: replace_def)

lemma replace_Cons:
  "replace x y (l#ls) = (if l = x then y else l)#(replace x y ls)" 
  by (simp add: replace_def)

lemma replace_map:
  "inj f ==> replace (f x) (f y) (map f l) = map f (replace x y l)" 
apply (induct l)
 apply (simp add: replace_def)
apply (simp add: replace_def)
apply clarify
apply (drule injD, assumption)
apply simp

lemma replace_id: 
  "x ∉ set l ∨ x = y ==> replace x y l = l"
  apply (induct l)
  apply (auto simp add: replace_def)

text {* single execution step for each instruction: *}
 exec_instr :: "[instr, jvm_prog, sheap, aheap, init_heap, opstack, locvars, 
                cname, sig, p_count, ref_upd, frame list] => jvm_state"
 "exec_instr (Load idx) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
      (None,shp, hp, ihp, ((vars ! idx) # stk, vars, Cl, sig, pc+1, z)#frs)"

 "exec_instr (Store idx) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
      (None,shp, hp, ihp, (tl stk, vars[idx:=hd stk], Cl, sig, pc+1, z)#frs)"

 "exec_instr (LitPush v) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
      (None,shp, hp, ihp, (v # stk, vars, Cl, sig, pc+1, z)#frs)"

 "exec_instr (New C) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
  (let (oref,xp') = new_Addr hp;
       hp'        = if xp'=None then hp(oref \<mapsto> blank G C) else hp;
       ihp'       = if xp'=None then ihp(oref := UnInit C pc) else ihp;
       stk'       = if xp'=None then (Addr oref)#stk else stk;
       pc'        = if xp'=None then pc+1 else pc
   in (xp',shp, hp', ihp', (stk', vars, Cl, sig, pc', z)#frs))"

 "exec_instr (Getfield F C) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
  (let oref    = hd stk;
       xp'     = raise_system_xcpt (oref=Null) NullPointer;
       (oc,fs) = the_obj (the(hp(the_Addr oref)));
       stk'    = if xp'=None then the(fs(F,C))#(tl stk) else tl stk;
       pc'     = if xp'=None then pc+1 else pc
   in  (xp',shp, hp, ihp, (stk', vars, Cl, sig, pc', z)#frs))"

 "exec_instr (Putfield F C) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
  (let (fval,oref) = (hd stk, hd(tl stk));
       xp'         = raise_system_xcpt (oref=Null) NullPointer;
       a           = the_Addr oref;
      (oc,fs)     = the_obj (the(hp a));
       hp'         = if xp'=None then hp(a \<mapsto> Obj oc (fs((F,C) \<mapsto> fval))) 
                                 else hp;
       pc'         = if xp'=None then pc+1 else pc       
   in  (xp',shp, hp', ihp, (tl (tl stk), vars, Cl, sig, pc', z)#frs))"

 "exec_instr (Checkcast C) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
  (let oref  = hd stk;
       xp'   = raise_system_xcpt (¬cast_ok G C hp oref) ClassCast; 
       stk'  = if xp'=None then stk else tl stk;
       pc'   = if xp'=None then pc+1 else pc       
   in  (xp',shp, hp, ihp, (stk', vars, Cl, sig, pc', z)#frs))"

 "exec_instr (Invoke C mn ps) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
  (let n    = length ps;
       args = take n stk;
       oref = stk!n;
       xp'  = raise_system_xcpt (oref=Null) NullPointer;
       dynT = the_Class (obj_ty (the(hp (the_Addr oref))));
       (dc,mh,mxs,mxl,c) = the (method (G,dynT) (mn,ps));
       frs' = (if xp'=None then 
              [([],oref#(rev args)@(replicate mxl arbitrary),dc,(mn,ps),0,arbitrary)]
              else [])
   in (xp',shp, hp, ihp, frs'@(stk, vars, Cl, sig, pc, z)#frs))"

-- "Because exception handling needs the pc of the Invoke instruction,"
-- "Invoke doesn't change @{text stk} and @{text pc} yet (@{text Return} does that)."

 "exec_instr (Invoke_special C mn ps) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
  (let n     = length ps;
       args  = take n stk;
       oref  = stk!n;
       addr  = the_Addr oref;
       x'    = raise_system_xcpt (oref=Null) NullPointer;
       dynT  = the_Class (obj_ty (the(hp addr)));
       (dc,mh,mxs,mxl,c)= the (method (G,C) (mn,ps));
       (addr',x'') = new_Addr hp;
       xp'   = if x' = None then x'' else x';
       hp'   = if xp' = None then hp(addr' \<mapsto> blank G dynT) else hp;
       ihp'  = if C = Object then ihp(addr':= Init (Class dynT)) 
               else ihp(addr' := PartInit C);
       ihp'' = if xp' = None then ihp' else ihp;
       z'   = if C = Object then (Addr addr', Addr addr') else (Addr addr', Null);
       frs'  = (if xp'=None then 
               [([],(Addr addr')#(rev args)@(replicate mxl arbitrary),dc,(mn,ps),0,z')]
               else [])
   in (xp',shp, hp', ihp'', frs'@(stk, vars, Cl, sig, pc, z)#frs))"

(* Return a value from method *)
 "exec_instr Return G shp hp ihp stk0 vars Cl sig0 pc z0 frs =
  (if frs=[] then (None, shp, hp, ihp, [])
   else let
     val     = hd stk0; 
     (mn,pt) = sig0;
     (stk,loc,C,sig,pc,z) = hd frs;
     (b,c)   = z0;
     (a,c')  = z;
     n       = length pt;
     addr    = stk!n;
     stk'    = if mn=init then val#replace addr c stk else val#stk;
     loc'    = if mn=init then replace addr c loc else loc;
     z'      = if mn=init ∧ z = (addr,Null) then (a,c) else z
   in (None, shp , hp, ihp, (stk',loc',C,sig,pc+1,z')#tl frs))" 

  -- "Return drops arguments from the caller's stack and increases"
  -- "the program counter in the caller"

  -- "@{text z} is only updated if we are in a constructor and have initialized the"
  -- "same reference as the constructor in the frame above (otherwise we are"
  -- "in the last constructor of the init chain)"

(* Return (void) from method *)
"exec_instr Return_Void G shp hp ihp stk0 vars Cl sig0 pc z0 frs =  
 (if frs=[] then (None, shp, hp, ihp, [])    
  else let
     (mn,pt) = sig0;
     (stk,loc,C,sig,pc,z) = hd frs;
     (b,c)   = z0;
     (a,c')  = z;
     n       = length pt;
     addr    = stk!n;
     stk'    = if mn=init then replace addr c stk else stk;
     loc'    = if mn=init then replace addr c loc else loc;
     z'      = if mn=init ∧ z = (addr,Null) then (a,c) else z
   in (None, shp , hp, ihp, (stk',loc',C,sig,pc+1,z')#tl frs))" 

-- "All items on the current method's operand stack are discarded" 

 "exec_instr Pop G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
      (None, shp, hp, ihp, (tl stk, vars, Cl, sig, pc+1, z)#frs)"

 "exec_instr Dup G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
      (None, shp, hp, ihp, (hd stk # stk, vars, Cl, sig, pc+1, z)#frs)"

 "exec_instr Dup2 G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
      (None, shp, hp, ihp, (hd stk # hd (tl stk) # stk,vars,Cl,sig,pc+1,z)#frs)"

 "exec_instr Dup_x1 G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
      (None, shp, hp, ihp, (hd stk # hd (tl stk) # hd stk # (tl (tl stk)), 
                  vars, Cl, sig, pc+1, z)#frs)"

 "exec_instr Dup_x2 G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
      (None,shp, hp, ihp,
       (hd stk # hd (tl stk) # (hd (tl (tl stk))) # hd stk # (tl (tl (tl stk))),
       vars, Cl, sig, pc+1, z)#frs)"

 "exec_instr Swap G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
      (let (val1,val2) = (hd stk,hd (tl stk))
      in (None,shp, hp, ihp, (val2#val1#(tl (tl stk)), vars, Cl, sig, pc+1, z)#frs))"

 "exec_instr IAdd G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
      (let (val1,val2) = (hd stk,hd (tl stk))
      in (None,shp, hp, ihp, (Intg ((the_Intg val1)+(the_Intg val2))#(tl (tl stk)), 
          vars, Cl, sig, pc+1, z)#frs))"

 "exec_instr (Ifcmpeq i) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
        (let (val1,val2) = (hd stk, hd (tl stk));
               pc' = if val1 = val2 then nat(int pc+i) else pc+1
         in (None,shp, hp, ihp, (tl (tl stk), vars, Cl, sig, pc', z)#frs))"

 "exec_instr (Goto i) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
      (None,shp, hp, ihp, (stk, vars, Cl, sig, nat(int pc+i), z)#frs)"

 "exec_instr Throw G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
      (let xcpt  = raise_system_xcpt (hd stk = Null) NullPointer;
           xcpt' = if xcpt = None then Some (hd stk) else xcpt
       in (xcpt',shp, hp, ihp, (stk, vars, Cl, sig, pc, z)#frs))"

 "exec_instr (Jsr i) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
      (None,shp, hp, ihp, (RetAddr (pc+1)#stk, vars, Cl, sig, nat(int pc+i), z)#frs)"

 "exec_instr (Ret idx) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
      (None,shp,hp, ihp, (stk, vars, Cl, sig, the_RetAddr (vars!idx), z)#frs)"

 "exec_instr (ArrLoad) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
  (let idx  = the_Intg (hd stk);
       aref     = hd (tl stk);
       xp''     = raise_system_xcpt (aref=Null) NullPointer;
       (T,l,en) = the_arr (the(hp(the_Addr aref)));
       xp'      = if xp''=None then raise_system_xcpt (int l ≤ idx ∨ idx < 0) ArrayIndexOutOfBounds 
                  else xp'';
       stk'     = the (en (nat idx)) # (tl (tl stk));
       pc'      = if xp'=None then pc+1 else pc
   in  (xp',shp, hp, ihp, (stk', vars, Cl, sig, pc', z)#frs))"

 "exec_instr (ArrStore) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
  (let val  = hd stk;
       idx  = the_Intg (hd (tl stk));
       aref = hd (tl (tl stk));
       xp'' = raise_system_xcpt (aref=Null) NullPointer;
       a    = the_Addr aref;
      (T,l,en) = the_arr (the(hp a));
       xp'''= if xp''=None then raise_system_xcpt (int l ≤ idx ∨ idx < 0) ArrayIndexOutOfBounds 
              else xp'';
       xp'  = if xp'''=None then raise_system_xcpt ( False) ArrayStore else xp''';  
       hp'  = if xp'=None then hp(a \<mapsto> Arr T l (en(nat idx \<mapsto> val))) else hp;
       pc'  = if xp'=None then pc+1 else pc
   in  (xp',shp, hp', ihp, (tl (tl (tl stk)), vars, Cl, sig, pc', z)#frs))"

 "exec_instr (ArrLength) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
  (let aref     = hd stk;
       xp'      = raise_system_xcpt (aref=Null) NullPointer;
       a        = the_Addr aref;
       (T,l,en) = the_arr (the(hp a));
       pc'      = if xp'=None then pc+1 else pc
   in  (xp', shp, hp, ihp, (Intg (int l)#(tl stk), vars, Cl, sig, pc', z)#frs))"

 "exec_instr (ArrNew T) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
  (let len         = the_Intg (hd stk);      
       xp'''       = raise_system_xcpt (len < 0) NegativeArraySize;
       (aref,xp'') = new_Addr hp;
       xp'         = if xp'''=None then xp'' else xp''';
       hp'         = if xp'=None then hp(aref \<mapsto> blank_arr T (nat len)) else hp;
       ihp'        = if xp'=None then ihp(aref := Init (T.[])) else ihp;
       stk'        = (Addr aref)#tl stk;
       pc'         = if xp'=None then pc+1 else pc
   in  (xp',shp, hp', ihp', (stk', vars, Cl, sig, pc', z)#frs))"

 (* Execution Binary Operation *)
 "exec_instr (BinOp bop) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
  (let (val2,val1) = (hd stk, hd (tl stk))   
   in  (None,shp, hp, ihp, ((applyBinOp bop val1 val2 )#(tl (tl stk)), vars, Cl, sig, pc + 1, z)#frs))"

(* Execution Invocation static Method *)
 "exec_instr(Invoke_static C mn ps) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
  (let n    = length ps;
       args = take n stk;
       (dc,mh,mxs,mxl,c) = the (method (G,C) (mn,ps));
        frs' = [([], (rev args)@(replicate mxl arbitrary),dc,(mn,ps),0,arbitrary)]
   in  (None,shp,hp,ihp,frs'@(stk,vars,Cl,sig,pc,z)#frs))"

(* Execution Tableswitch *)
 "exec_instr(Tableswitch n m t) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
  (let val = hd stk;
       v   = the_Intg val;   
       pc' = if (v < n) ∨ (v > m) then pc + nat(t!(nat(m - n + 1)))  else pc + nat(t!(nat(v - n)))
   in  (None,shp,hp,ihp,((tl stk),vars,Cl,sig,pc',z)#frs))"   
(* Execution Getstatic *)
 "exec_instr (Getstatic F C) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
  (let v   =  the (shp (C,F));
       pc' = pc + 1
   in  (None,shp, hp, ihp, ((v#stk), vars, Cl, sig, pc', z)#frs))"

(* Execution Putstatic *)
 "exec_instr (Putstatic F C) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs = 
  (let shp' =  shp((C,F) \<mapsto> hd stk );
       pc'  = pc + 1
   in  (None, shp', hp, ihp, ((tl stk), vars, Cl, sig, pc', z)#frs))"

(* Execution Ifcmp Generic *)
 "exec_instr (Ifcmp bop i) G shp hp ihp stk vars Cl sig pc z frs =
  (let (val1,val2) = (hd stk, hd (tl stk));
       pc'         = if ((applyIf bop val1 val2) = True) then nat(int pc+i) else pc+1
   in  (None,shp, hp, ihp, (tl (tl stk), vars, Cl, sig, pc', z)#frs))"


lemma replace_removes_elem:

  a  b ==> a  set (replace a b l)

lemma replace_length:

  length (replace a b l) = length l

lemma replace_Nil:

  replace x y [] = []

lemma replace_Cons:

  replace x y (l # ls) = (if l = x then y else l) # replace x y ls

lemma replace_map:

  inj f ==> replace (f x) (f y) (map f l) = map f (replace x y l)

lemma replace_id:

  x  set lx = y ==> replace x y l = l