Theory SVMState

Up to index of Isabelle/HOL/SafeImp

theory SVMState
imports SafeHeap BinOP

(*  Title:      Safe Virtual Machine State
    Author:     Ricardo Peņa
    Copyright:  March 2008, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

header {* State of the SVM *}

theory SVMState 
imports SafeHeap "../JVMSAFE/BinOP"

subsection {* Sizes Table *}

text{* This gives statically inferred information about the maximum number of heap 
cells, of heap regions, and of stack words needed by the compiled program. *}

types ncell = nat
      sizeRegions = nat
      sizeStackS = nat

types SizesTable = "ncell × sizeRegions × sizeStackS"

subsection {* Stack *}

  CodeLabel = nat
  Continuation = "Region × CodeLabel"

datatype StackObject = Val Val | Reg  Region | Cont Continuation

text{* The SVM stack may contain normal form values, region arguments for
functions or constructors, and continuations. A continuation $(k_0,p)$
contains a jump $p$ to a code sequence and an adjustment $k_0$ for the heap
watermark $k_0$ of the SVM state.

  Stack = "StackObject list"
  StackOffset = nat

subsection {* Code Store and SafeImp program *}

-- "Items are the components of environments and closures"
datatype Item = ItemConst Val
              | ItemVar StackOffset
              | ItemRegSelf

-- "The SVM instruction repertory"
datatype SafeInstr = DECREGION
                   | POPCONT
                   | PUSHCONT CodeLabel
                   | COPY 
                   | REUSE
                   | CALL CodeLabel
                   | PRIMOP PrimOp
                   | MATCH StackOffset "(CodeLabel list)"
                   | MATCHD StackOffset "(CodeLabel list)"
                   | MATCHN StackOffset nat nat "(CodeLabel list)"
                   | BUILDENV "(Item list)"
                   | BUILDCLS Constructor "(Item list)"  Item 
                   | SLIDE nat nat

fun pushcont :: "SafeInstr => bool"
  "pushcont (PUSHCONT p) = True"
| "pushcont _            = False"

fun popcont :: "SafeInstr => bool"
  "popcont POPCONT = True"
| "popcont _       = False"

text{* A Safe program, when translated into SafeImp, produces four
components (1) a map from labels to pairs consisting of a code sequence and
a function name.  It is given as a list in order to be able to `traverse'
the map; (2) a map from function names to pairs consisting of a label and a
list of labels. The firts points to the starting sequence of the function
and the second collects, for each function body, the code labels
corresponding to continuations. The map is also given as a list; (3) the
code label of the main expression; and (4) a constructor table collecting
the properties of all the constructors. *}

  CodeSequence = "SafeInstr list"
  SVMCode   = "(CodeLabel × CodeSequence × FunName) list"
  ContinuationMap = "(FunName × CodeLabel × CodeLabel list) list"
  CodeStore = "SVMCode  × ContinuationMap"
  SafeImpProg = "CodeStore × CodeLabel × ConstructorTableType × SizesTable"

subsection {* Runtime State *}

  PC = "CodeLabel × nat"
  SVMState = "Heap × Region × PC × Stack"

  incrPC :: "PC => PC"

  "incrPC (l,i) = (l,i+1)"

This is the correspondence betweeen primitive operators in CoreSafe and SafeImp.

   primops :: "string \<rightharpoonup> PrimOp" 

  "primops ≡ map_of [(''+'',Add),

-- "Define primitive operations"
  execOp :: "[PrimOp,Val,Val] => Val"

   "execOp Equal b1 b2 = BoolT (the_IntT(b1) = the_IntT(b2))"
   "execOp NotEqual b1 b2 = BoolT (the_IntT(b1) ≠ the_IntT(b2))"
   "execOp GreaterEqual b1 b2 = BoolT (the_IntT(b1) ≥ the_IntT(b2))"
   "execOp GreaterThan b1 b2 = BoolT (the_IntT(b1) > the_IntT(b2))"
   "execOp LessThan b1 b2 = BoolT (the_IntT(b1) < the_IntT(b2))"
   "execOp LessEqual b1 b2 = BoolT (the_IntT(b1) ≤ the_IntT(b2))"

   "execOp Add b1 b2 = IntT (the_IntT(b1) + the_IntT(b2))"
   "execOp Substract b1 b2 = IntT (the_IntT(b1) - the_IntT(b2))"
   "execOp Times b1 b2 = IntT (the_IntT(b1) * the_IntT(b2))"
   "execOp Divide  b1 b2 = IntT (the_IntT(b1) div the_IntT(b2))"


Sizes Table


Code Store and SafeImp program

Runtime State