Theory CoreSafeToSVM

Up to index of Isabelle/HOL/SafeImp

theory CoreSafeToSVM
imports SVMState SafeExpr

(*  Title:      Safe Virtual Machine Semantics
    Author:     Ricardo Peņa, Javier de Dios
    Copyright:  May 2008, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

header {*  Translation from a CoreSafe program to a SafeImp program *}

theory CoreSafeToSVM
imports SVMState "../CoreSafe/SafeExpr" HaskellLib

text{* {\sl FunMap} keeps the correspondence between a function name and the
label of its initial instruction sequence *}

  FunMap  = "FunName \<rightharpoonup> CodeLabel"
  TagMap  = "Constructor \<rightharpoonup> nat"

subsection{* Compile-time environment *}

text{* This part is devoted to compile-time environments. See the WFLP'08 paper.

  MiniEnv = "string \<rightharpoonup> nat"
  Env     = "(MiniEnv × nat × nat) list"

  envSearch' :: "Env => string => nat => nat" 

fun envPlusPlus :: "Env => Env"            ("_ ++" 120) where
  "rho++ = (case rho of 
             (delta,m,n)#rest => (empty,0,0)#(delta,m+2,2)#rest)"

fun envAdd :: "Env => (string × nat) list => Env" (infix "+" 110) where
  "rho + namNats = (case rho of (delta,m,n1)#rest =>
                  let n2     = length namNats;
                      g      = λ (x,j) . (x,m+j);
                      delta' = map_of (map g namNats)
                  in  (delta ++ delta',m+n2,0)#rest)"

fun envSearch :: "Env => string => nat"    (infix "|>" 110 ) where
  "rho |> x = envSearch' rho x 0"

  "envSearch' (tup # rest) x l = (case tup of
               (delta,m,n) => 
                 case delta x of
                     Some j => (l + m) - j
                   | None   => envSearch' rest x (l+m))"

fun topDepth :: "Env => nat" where
  "topDepth ((delta,m,0)#_) = m"

fun decreasing :: "nat => nat list" where 
  "decreasing n = (if n = 0 then []
                            else n # decreasing (n - 1))"

subsection {* Translation functions *}

text{* These are the main translation functions:
\item {\sl trProg} translates a complete CoreSafe

\item {\sl trF} translates a CoreSafe function definition. It receives a
not used CodeLabel and returns another one not used. All the CodeLabels in
between are used to translate this function. Also, it returns modified
FunMap and ContinuationMap, including a bindings Name -> CodeLabel and Name
-> CodeLabel list for this function.

 \item {\sl trE} translates a CoreSafe expression. The CodeLabel returned
is a non used one, the CodeLabel list contains the labels corresponding to
continuations, the CodeSequence contains the instructions of the
translation and the SVMCode the auxiliary code sequences created. {\sl
trAlts} and {\sl trTup} are auxiliary functions needed in order to define
{\sl trE} as primitive recursive.
 \end{itemize} *}

  trE    :: "[CodeLabel,FunMap,FunName,Env,'a Exp]=>
             CodeLabel× CodeLabel list × CodeSequence × SVMCode"
  trAlts :: "[CodeLabel,FunMap,FunName,Env,
              ('a Patron × 'a Exp) list] =>
              CodeLabel × (CodeLabel list × CodeLabel × SVMCode) list"
  trAlts' :: "[CodeLabel,FunMap,FunName,Env,
              ('a Patron × 'a Exp) list] =>
              CodeLabel × (CodeLabel list × CodeLabel × SVMCode) list"
  trTup  :: "[CodeLabel,FunMap,FunName,Env,
              'a Patron × 'a Exp] =>
              CodeLabel list × CodeLabel × SVMCode"
  trTup'  :: "[CodeLabel,FunMap,FunName,Env,
              'a Patron × 'a Exp] =>
              CodeLabel list × CodeLabel × SVMCode"

fun  lit2val :: "Lit => Val" where
  "lit2val (LitN i) = IntT i"
| "lit2val (LitB b) = BoolT b"

fun  atom2item :: "Env => 'a Exp => Item" where 
  "atom2item rho (ConstE c _) = ItemConst (lit2val c)"
| "atom2item rho (VarE x _)   = ItemVar (rho |> x)"

fun  region2item :: "Env => RegVar => Item" where 
  "region2item rho r = (if r = self then ItemRegSelf 
                                    else ItemVar (rho |> r))"

constdefs  mainName :: string 
  "mainName ≡ ''PSafeMain'' " 

fun trF    :: "(CodeLabel × FunMap × ContinuationMap) => 'a Def => 
              (CodeLabel × FunMap × ContinuationMap) × SVMCode"
  "trF (p,funm,contm) (t,izq,Simple e []) =            
                (f,pbs,rs)      = izq;
                (ps,bs)         = unzip pbs;
                xs              = map pat2var ps;
                topdepth        = length xs + length rs;
                varnats         = zip (append xs rs) (decreasing topdepth);
                rho             = [(empty,0,0)] + varnats;
                funm'           = funm (f\<mapsto> p);
                (q,ls,is,cs)    = trE (p+1) funm' f rho e
              in ((q, funm',(f,p,ls)#contm), append cs [(p,is,f)]))"

  type2argType :: "ExpTipo => ArgType"
  "type2argType t == (case t of
                        Rec                  => Recursive
                      | ConstrT name ts b rs => if name = intType then IntArg
                                                else if name = boolType then BoolArg
                                                     else NonRecursive
                      | VarT a               => IntArg)"

fun trAltDato :: "TagMap => ConstructorTableType => AltDato => ConstructorTableType" 
  "trAltDato tm ct (ConstrA C ts _) = (
           let nargs    = length ts;
               argtypes = map type2argType ts
           in (C, (nargs,the (tm C),argtypes))# ct)"

fun extractCons :: "AltDato => Constructor"
  "extractCons (ConstrA C _ _) = C"

fun trData :: "ConstructorTableType => DecData => ConstructorTableType"
  "trData ct (T,as,rs,alts) = (
            let cs     = map extractCons alts;
                n      = length cs;
                tagmap = map_of (zip (sort cs) [0..<n])
            in  foldl (trAltDato tagmap) ct alts)"

fun trProg :: "'a Prog => SafeImpProg" 
  "trProg (datas,defs,e) = (
             ctable                 = foldl trData [] datas;
             ((p,funm,contm),codes) = mapAccumL trF (1,empty,[]) defs;
             (q,ls,is,cs)           = trE p funm mainName [(empty,0,0)] e;
             code                   = concat [concat codes, cs, [(q,is,mainName)]];
             contmap                = (mainName,q,ls)#contm
           in ((code,contmap),q,ctable,(0,0,0))     )"

fun normalForm :: "Env => CodeSequence" where
  "normalForm rho = (let td = (topDepth rho) 
                     in  if td ≠ 0 then  [SLIDE 1 td,DECREGION,POPCONT]
                                          else  [DECREGION,POPCONT])"

text{* The translation of a expression does a recursive traversal of the
abstract syntax tree.  *}


  "trE p funm fname rho (ConstE c a) = 
              (p,[],BUILDENV [ItemConst (lit2val c)] # normalForm rho,[])"

  "trE p funm fname rho (VarE x a)   = 
              (p,[],BUILDENV [ItemVar (rho |> x)] # normalForm rho,[])"

  "trE p funm fname rho (CopyE x r a) = 
              (p,[],BUILDENV [ItemVar (rho |> x),ItemVar (rho |> r)]
              # COPY # normalForm rho,[])"

  "trE p funm fname rho (ReuseE x a)   = 
              (p,[],BUILDENV [ItemVar (rho |> x)] # REUSE # normalForm rho,[])"

  "trE p funm fname rho (AppE f as rs a) = (
              case primops f of 
                Some oper => case as of
                 a1#a2#[]  =>             
                   let i1 = atom2item rho a1;
                       i2 = atom2item rho a2
                   in (p,[],BUILDENV [i1,i2] # PRIMOP oper # normalForm rho,[])
                | None    =>
                 let its1 = map (atom2item rho)   as;
                     its2 = map (region2item rho) rs;
                     is   = [BUILDENV (append its1 its2),
                             SLIDE (length as + length rs) (topDepth rho),
                             CALL (the (funm f))]
                 in (p,[],is,[]))"

  "trE p funm fname rho (Let x1 = e1 In e2 a) = (
          let (q2,ls2,is2,cs2) = trE p funm fname (rho+[(x1,1)]) e2
          in case e1 of
              ConstrE C as r _ => 
               let items = map (atom2item rho) as;
                   item  = region2item rho r                                   
               in  (q2,ls2,BUILDCLS C items item # is2,cs2)
              | _           => 
               let (q1,ls1,is1,cs1) = trE (q2+1) funm fname (rho++) e1;
                   cs               = append cs2  ((q2,is2,fname) # cs1)
               in  (q1,q2#(append ls1  ls2),PUSHCONT q2 # is1,cs))"

  "trE p funm fname rho (Case e Of alts a) = (
              let  (q,rss)      = trAlts p funm fname rho alts;
                   (lss,qs,css) = unzip3 rss
              in case e of
                   VarE x _ => 
                    let (pat1,e1) = hd alts
                    in case pat1 of 
                        ConstrP _ _ _   => (q,concat lss,[MATCH (rho |> x) qs],concat css)
                      | ConstP (LitN i) => 
                          let m = length alts - 1;
                              v = nat i
                          in (q,concat lss,[MATCHN (rho |> x) v m qs],concat css)
                      | ConstP (LitB b) => (q,concat lss,[MATCHN (rho |> x) 0 2 qs],concat css))"

  "trE p funm fname rho (CaseD e Of alts a) = (
              let  (q,rss)      = trAlts' p funm fname rho alts;
                   (lss,qs,css) = unzip3 rss
              in case e of
                   VarE x _ => (q,concat lss,[MATCHD (rho |> x) qs],concat css))"

  "trAlts  p funm fname rho [] = (p,[])"

  "trAlts  p funm fname rho (alt#alts) = (
              let (ls,q,cs')   = trTup p funm fname rho alt;
                  (q',tups)    = trAlts (q+1) funm fname rho alts
              in  (q',(ls,q,cs')#tups))"

  "trAlts'  p funm fname rho [] = (p,[])"

  "trAlts'  p funm fname rho (alt#alts) = (
              let (ls,q,cs')   = trTup' p funm fname rho alt;
                  (q',tups)    = trAlts' (q+1) funm fname rho alts
              in  (q',(ls,q,cs')#tups))"

  "trTup   p funm fname rho (pat,e) = (case pat of
              ConstrP C ps _ =>
               let xs           = map pat2var ps;
                   rho'         = rho + zip xs (decreasing (length xs));
                   (q,ls,is,cs) = trE p funm fname rho' e;
                   cs'          = append cs [(q,is,fname)]
               in  (ls,q,cs')
            | ConstP _ => 
               let (q,ls,is,cs) = trE p funm fname rho e;
                   cs'          = append cs [(q,is,fname)]
               in  (ls,q,cs'))"

  "trTup'   p funm fname rho (pat,e) = (case pat of
              ConstrP C ps _ =>
               let xs           = map pat2var ps;
                   rho'         = rho + zip xs (decreasing (length xs));
                   (q,ls,is,cs) = trE p funm fname rho' e;
                   cs'          = append cs [(q,is,fname)]
               in  (ls,q,cs')
            | _              => 
               let  (q,ls,is,cs) = trE p funm fname rho e;
                   cs'          = append cs [(q,is,fname)]
               in  (ls,q,cs'))"

(*export_code trProg in Haskell file "./codetrProg"*)

subsection {* Auxiliary functions for the correctness theorem *}

text{* The following functions are useful for stating the correctness 
theorem of the CoreSafe translation.

-- "returns the set of function names called from an expression"
 called :: "'a Exp => FunName set"
 calledList :: "('a Patron × 'a Exp) list => FunName set"
 calledList' :: "('a Patron × 'a Exp) list => FunName set"
 calledTup :: "('a Patron × 'a Exp) => FunName set"
 calledTup' :: "('a Patron × 'a Exp) => FunName set"
 "called (ConstE  Lit a)       = {}"
 "called (ConstrE C exps rv a) = {}"
 "called (VarE    x a)         = {}"
 "called (CopyE   x rv a)      = {}"
 "called (ReuseE  x a)         = {}"
 "called (AppE f as rs a)      = {f}" 
 "called (Let x1 = e1 In e2 a) = called e1 ∪ called e2"
 "called (Case e Of alts a)    = called e ∪ calledList alts"
 "called (CaseD e Of alts a)   = called e ∪ calledList' alts"

 "calledList [] = {}"
 "calledList (alt#alts) = calledTup alt ∪ calledList alts"

 "calledList' [] = {}"
 "calledList' (alt#alts) = calledTup' alt ∪ calledList' alts"

 "calledTup (p,e) = called e"
 "calledTup' (p,e) = called e"

-- "returns the set of function names defined in a program"
 definedFuns :: "('a Def ) list => FunName set"

 "definedFuns []         = {}"
 "definedFuns (def#defs) = (case def of (t,(f,pbs,rs),der) => 
                             {f} ∪ definedFuns defs)"

-- "given a defined name and a program, it returns the function body" 
 extractBody :: "FunName => ('a Def) list => 'a Exp"
 "extractBody f (def#defs) = (case def of (t,(g,pbs,rs),Simple e []) => 
                               if f = g then e else extractBody f defs)"

-- "It inductively defines the set of function names reached from an expression"
 closureCalled :: "'a Exp => ('a Def ) list => FunName set"
 for e :: "'a Exp" and ds :: "('a Def ) list"
  init : "f ∈ called e ==> f ∈ closureCalled e ds"
| step : "[| 
            f ∈ closureCalled e ds;
            f ∈ definedFuns ds;
            ef = extractBody f ds;
            g ∈ called ef 
          |] ==>
            g ∈ closureCalled e ds"


Compile-time environment

Translation functions

Auxiliary functions for the correctness theorem