Theory SafeRegion_definitions

Up to index of Isabelle/HOL/CoreSafe

theory SafeRegion_definitions
imports SafeDepthSemantics ClosureHeap

(*  Title:      Safe Region Definitions
    Author:     Javier de Dios and Ricardo Peņa
    Copyright:  February 2009, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

header {* Region Definitions *}

theory SafeRegion_definitions imports SafeRASemantics


(* Auxiliary definitions *)

(* ρ *)
types RegionTypeVariable = "string"

(* ρself *)
   ρself :: string 
  "ρself ≡ ''rho_self''"

types VarType = "string"

(* Type Expressions *)
datatype TypeExpression = VarT VarType
                 | ConstrT string "TypeExpression list" "VarType list" 

(* ϑ (x) = T ti ρi *)
types TypeMapping = "(string \<rightharpoonup> TypeExpression)"
types RegMapping = "(string \<rightharpoonup> string)"

types ThetaMapping = "TypeMapping × RegMapping"

(* η *)
types InstantiationMapping = "VarType \<rightharpoonup> nat"

(* (μ1,μ2) *)
types TypeMu = "(string \<rightharpoonup> TypeExpression) × (string \<rightharpoonup> string)" 

(* mu_ext *)
consts mu_ext  :: "TypeMu => TypeExpression => TypeExpression"
       mu_exts :: "TypeMu => TypeExpression list => TypeExpression list"
  "mu_ext μ (VarT a) = the ((fst μ) a)"
  "mu_ext μ (ConstrT T tm ρs) = (ConstrT T (mu_exts μ tm) (map (the o (snd μ)) ρs))"

  "mu_exts μ []     = []"
  "mu_exts μ (x#xs) = mu_ext μ x # (mu_exts μ xs)"

(* atoms *)
fun atoms :: "('a Exp) list => bool"
  "atoms as = (∀ i < length as. (∃ c a. as!i = ConstE (LitN c) a) ∨
                                (∃ b a. as!i = ConstE (LitB b) a) ∨
                                (∃ x a. as!i = VarE x a))"

(* argP_aux *)
fun argP_aux :: "(string \<rightharpoonup> TypeExpression) => 'a Exp => TypeExpression => bool"
  "argP_aux ϑ (ConstE (LitN _) _) t = (t = (ConstrT intType [] []))"
| "argP_aux ϑ (ConstE (LitB _) _) t = (t = (ConstrT boolType [] []))"
| "argP_aux ϑ (VarE x _) t = (ϑ x = Some t)"

(* argP *)
 argP :: 
  "TypeExpression list =>  VarType => ('a Exp) list => RegVar => ThetaMapping => bool"
  "argP ti ρ as r (ϑ1,ϑ2) = ( 
        length ti = length as ∧
        atoms as ∧
        (∀ i < length as. argP_aux ϑ1 (as!i) (ti!i)) ∧
        ϑ2 r = Some ρ)"

(* constructorSignature *)
  ConstructorSignatureFun = "string \<rightharpoonup>  TypeExpression list × VarType × TypeExpression"

consts constructorSignature :: ConstructorSignatureFun

(* coherent ConstructorTable & constructorSignature *)
constdefs coherentC :: "Constructor => bool"
  "coherentC C ≡
     (let (nargs,n,largs) = the (ConstructorTable C);
          (ts,ρl,t) = the (constructorSignature C)
      in length ts = length largs ∧
         (∃ T tm ρs. t = ConstrT T tm ρs) ∧
         (∀ i < length ts. (ts!i = ConstrT intType [] [] --> 
             (snd (snd (the (ConstructorTable C))))!i = IntArg)
           ∧ (ts!i = ConstrT boolType [] [] --> 
             (snd (snd (the (ConstructorTable C))))!i =  BoolArg)
           ∧ ((∃ T' tm' ρs'. (ts!i = ConstrT T' tm' ρs' ∧ ts!i ≠ t) ∨
                             (∃ a. ts!i = VarT a)) -->  
                     (snd (snd (the (ConstructorTable C))))!i = NonRecursive)
           ∧ (ts!i = t --> (snd (snd (the (ConstructorTable C))))!i = Recursive)))"

constdefs coherent :: "ConstructorSignatureFun => ConstructorTableFun => bool"
  "coherent Γc Tc ≡ dom Γc = dom Tc ∧ (∀ C ∈ dom Γc. coherentC C)"

(* Definitions for APP *)

  map_f_comp :: "('b => 'c)  => ('a ~=> 'b) => ('a ~=> 'c)"   where
  "map_f_comp f g = (λ k. case g k of None => None | Some v => Some (f v))"

notation (xsymbols)
  map_f_comp  (infixl "of" 55)

(* argP_app *)
 argP_app :: 
  "TypeExpression list =>  RegVar list => ('a Exp) list => RegVar list => ThetaMapping => bool" 
  "argP_app ti ρs as rs (ϑ1,ϑ2) = ( 
            length ti = length as ∧
            length ρs = length rs ∧
            atoms as ∧
            (∀ i < length as. argP_aux ϑ1 (as!i) (ti!i)) ∧
            (∀ i < length rs. ϑ2 (rs!i) = Some (ρs!i)))"

declare argP_app.simps [simp del]

(* functionSignature *)
consts functionSignature ::  "string \<rightharpoonup> TypeExpression list × VarType list × TypeExpression"

(* regions *)
consts regions  :: "TypeExpression => string set"
       regions' :: "TypeExpression list => string set"  

  "regions (VarT a) = {}"
  "regions (ConstrT T tm ρs) = (regions' tm) ∪ set ρs"

  "regions' [] = {}"
  "regions' (t#ts) = regions t ∪ regions' ts"

constdefs regionV :: "HeapMap => Location => nat"
 "regionV h p ≡ (case h p of Some (j,C,vs) => j)" 

constdefs regionsV :: "HeapMap => Location set => nat set"
 "regionsV h ps ≡ \<Union> p ∈ ps. {regionV h p}" 

(* variables *)
consts variables  :: "TypeExpression => string set"
       variables' :: "TypeExpression list => string set"  

  "variables (VarT a) = {a}"
  "variables (ConstrT T tm ρs) = (variables' tm)"

  "variables' [] = {}"
  "variables' (t#ts) = variables t ∪ variables' ts"

(* wellT *)
  wellT :: " TypeExpression list => VarType => TypeExpression => bool"
  "wellT tn ρ (ConstrT T tm ρs) = 
              ((length ρs > 0 ∧ ρ = last ρs ∧ distinct ρs ∧ last ρs ∉ regions' tm)
              ∧ (∀ i < length tn. regions (tn!i) ⊆ regions (ConstrT T tm ρs) ∧
                                   variables (tn!i) ⊆ variables (ConstrT T tm ρs)))"

(* Auxiliary definitions for APP *)
   ρfake :: string 
  "ρfake ≡ ''rho_fake''"

constdefs ρ_ren :: "string => string"
  "ρ_ren ρ ≡ (if ρ = ρself then ρfake else ρ)"

(* t_ren *)
consts t_ren  :: "TypeExpression => TypeExpression"
       t_rens :: "TypeExpression list => TypeExpression list"
  "t_ren (VarT a) = (VarT a)"
  "t_ren (ConstrT T tm ρs) = ConstrT T (t_rens tm) (map ρ_ren ρs)"

  "t_rens [] = []"
  "t_rens (x#xs) = t_ren x # (t_rens xs)"

(* ρ_ren_inv *)
constdefs ρ_ren_inv :: "string => string"
  "ρ_ren_inv ρ ≡ (if ρ = ρfake then ρself else ρ)"

(* t_ren_inv *) 
consts t_ren_inv  :: "TypeExpression => TypeExpression"
       t_ren_invs :: "TypeExpression list => TypeExpression list"

  "t_ren_inv (VarT a) = (VarT a)"
  "t_ren_inv (ConstrT T ts rs) = ConstrT T (t_ren_invs ts) (map ρ_ren_inv rs)"

  "t_ren_invs [] = []"
  "t_ren_invs (t#tm) = (t_ren_inv t) # t_ren_invs tm"

(* notFake *)
consts notFake  :: "TypeExpression => bool"
       notFakes :: "TypeExpression list => bool"
 "notFake (VarT a)          = (a ≠ ρfake)"
 "notFake (ConstrT T tm ρs) = ((notFakes tm) ∧ (∀ ρ ∈ set ρs. ρ ≠ ρfake))" 

 "notFakes [] = True"
 "notFakes (x#xs) = (notFake x ∧ notFakes xs)"

(* mu_ext_def *)
constdefs mu_ext_def  :: "TypeMu => TypeExpression => bool"
  "mu_ext_def μ t ≡ notFake (mu_ext μ t)"

consts  mu_exts_def :: "TypeMu => TypeExpression list => bool"
  "mu_exts_def μ []     = True"
  "mu_exts_def μ (x#xs) = (mu_ext_def μ x ∧ mu_exts_def μ xs)"

fun μ_ren :: "TypeMu => TypeMu"
 "μ_ren (μ1,μ2) = (λ x. Some (t_ren (the (μ1 x))), 
                   λ ρ. Some (ρ_ren (the (μ2 ρ))))"

constdefs η_ren :: "InstantiationMapping => InstantiationMapping"
 "η_ren η ≡ (λ x. if x = ρself then None else η x) ++ 
             (if (ρself ∈ dom η) then [ρfake \<mapsto> the (η ρself)] else empty)" 

(* consistent_v *)
  consistent_v :: "[TypeExpression, InstantiationMapping, Val, HeapMap ] => bool"   
  primitiveI     :  "consistent_v (ConstrT intType [] []) η (IntT i) h"
| primitiveB     :  "consistent_v (ConstrT boolType [] []) η (BoolT b) h"
| variable       :  "consistent_v (VarT a) η v h"
| algebraic_None :  "p ∉ dom h ==> consistent_v t η (Loc p) h"
| algebraic      :  "[| h p = Some (j,C,vn);
                      ρl = last ρs;
                      ρl ∈ dom η; η (ρl) = Some j; 
                      constructorSignature C = Some (tn',ρ',ConstrT T tm' ρs');
                      wellT tn' (last ρs') (TypeExpression.ConstrT T tm' ρs'); 
                      length vn = length tn';
                      ∃ μ1 μ2. (((the (μ2 (last ρs'))), mu_ext (μ1,μ2) (ConstrT T tm' ρs')) = 
                     (ρl,ConstrT T tm ρs) ∧
                     (∀ i < length vn. consistent_v ((map (mu_ext (μ1,μ2)) tn')!i) η (vn!i) h)) |] 
                   ==>  consistent_v (ConstrT T tm ρs) η (Loc p) h"

(* consistent *)
  consistent :: "ThetaMapping => InstantiationMapping => Environment => HeapMap => bool"
  "consistent (ϑ1,ϑ2) η (E1,E2) h = 
     ((∀ x ∈ dom E1. ∃ t v. ϑ1 x = Some t 
                         ∧  E1 x = Some v
                         ∧ consistent_v t  η v h)
   ∧ (∀ r ∈ dom E2 . ∃ r' r''. ϑ2 r = Some  r'
                             ∧  η r' = Some r''
                             ∧  E2 r = Some r'')
   ∧ self ∈ dom E2
   ∧ ϑ2 self = Some ρself)"

(* admissible *)
  admissible :: "InstantiationMapping => nat => bool"
  "admissible η k ≡
    ρself ∈ dom η ∧
    (∀ ρ ∈ dom η. 
     ∃ k'.
       η ρ = Some k' ∧
       (ρ = ρself --> k' = k) ∧
       (ρ ≠ ρself --> k' < k))" 

(* extend_heaps *)
fun extend_heaps :: "Heap => Heap => bool" ("_ \<sqsubseteq> _" 1000)
  "(h,k) \<sqsubseteq> (h',k') = (∀ p ∈ dom h. (dom h' - dom h) ∩ closureL p (h,k) = {} 
                    ∧ h p = h' p)"

(* Region Enviroment type *)
types RegionEnv = "string \<rightharpoonup> TypeExpression list × VarType list × TypeExpression"

constdefs typesArgAPP :: "RegionEnv => string => TypeExpression list"
  "typesArgAPP Σ f == (case Σ f of Some (ti,ρs,tf) => ti)"

constdefs regionsArgAPP :: "RegionEnv => string => string list"
  "regionsArgAPP Σ f ≡ (case Σ f of Some (ti,ρs,tf) => ρs)"

constdefs typeResAPP :: "RegionEnv => string => TypeExpression"
  "typeResAPP Σ f ≡ (case Σ f of Some (ti,ρs,tf) => tf)"

(* e satisfies the static assertion \<lbrace>ϑ,t\<rbrace> *)
  SafeRegionDAss::"unit Exp => ThetaMapping => TypeExpression => bool" 
                  ("_ : \<lbrace> _ , _ \<rbrace>" 1000)
  "SafeRegionDAss e (ϑ1,ϑ2) t =   
       (∀ E1 E2 h k td h' v r η.
          (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h, k, td, e \<Down> h', k, v, r                (* P1 *)
         ∧ fv e ⊆ dom E1 ∧ fvReg e ⊆ dom E2                 (* P1' *)
         ∧ dom E1 ⊆ dom ϑ1 ∧ dom E2 ⊆ dom ϑ2                 (* P2 *)
         ∧ admissible η k                                     (* P3 *)
         ∧ consistent (ϑ1,ϑ2) η (E1,E2) h                     (* P4 *)
           --> consistent_v t η v h')"                         (* P5 *)

(* A region environment ΣT is valid. \<Turnstile> ΣT *)
    ValidGlobalRegionEnv :: "RegionEnv => bool" ("\<Turnstile> _ " 1000) 

   base:  "  \<Turnstile> empty"
|  step:  "[| \<Turnstile> Σt; f ∉ dom Σt;
            ϑ1 = map_of (zip (varsAPP Σf f) ti);
            ϑ2 = map_of (zip (regionsAPP Σf f) ρs) ++ [self \<mapsto> ρself];
            (bodyAPP Σf f) : \<lbrace> (ϑ1,ϑ2) , tf \<rbrace>|] ==> \<Turnstile> Σt(f\<mapsto>(ti,ρs,tf))"

(* e satisfies the static assertion \<lbrace>ϑ,t\<rbrace> in the context of ΣT *)
constdefs SafeRegionDAssCntxt ::
  "unit Exp => RegionEnv => ThetaMapping => TypeExpression => bool"  ("_ , _ : \<lbrace> _ , _ \<rbrace>" 1000)
  "SafeRegionDAssCntxt e Σt ϑ t ≡  (\<Turnstile> Σt --> e : \<lbrace> ϑ , t \<rbrace>)"

(* The subexpresion e of f's body satisfies the static assertion \<lbrace>ϑ,t\<rbrace> 
   up to depth n *)
  SafeRegionDAssDepth::"unit Exp => string => nat => ThetaMapping => TypeExpression => bool" 
                        ("_ :_ , _ \<lbrace> _ , _ \<rbrace>" 1000)
  "SafeRegionDAssDepth e f n (ϑ1,ϑ2) t =   
       (∀ E1 E2 h k h' v η.
           (E1,E2) \<turnstile> h, k, e \<Down>(f,n) h', k, v                  (* P1 *)
         ∧ fv e ⊆ dom E1 ∧ fvReg e ⊆ dom E2                 (* P1' *)
         ∧ dom E1 ⊆ dom ϑ1 ∧ dom E2 ⊆ dom ϑ2                 (* P2 *)
         ∧ admissible η k                                     (* P3 *)
         ∧ consistent (ϑ1,ϑ2) η (E1,E2) h                     (* P4 *)
           --> consistent_v t η v h')"                         (* P5 *)

(* A region environment ΣT is valid up to depth n for function f.
 \<Turnstile>f,n ΣT *)
inductive ValidGlobalRegionEnvDepth :: "string => nat => RegionEnv => bool"
                                     ("\<Turnstile>_ , _  _ " 1000)
   base   :  "[| \<Turnstile> Σt; f ∉ dom Σt|] ==> \<Turnstile>f,n Σt"
| depth0  :  "[| \<Turnstile> Σt; f ∉ dom Σt|] ==> \<Turnstile>f,0 Σt(f\<mapsto>(ti,ρs,tf))"
|  step   :  "[| \<Turnstile> Σt; f ∉ dom Σt;
                ϑ1 = map_of (zip (varsAPP Σf f) ti);
                ϑ2 = map_of (zip (regionsAPP Σf f) ρs) ++ [self \<mapsto> ρself];
                (bodyAPP Σf f) :f,n \<lbrace> (ϑ1,ϑ2) , tf \<rbrace> |] ==>  
             \<Turnstile>f,Suc n Σt(f\<mapsto>(ti,ρs,tf))"
|  g      :  "[| \<Turnstile>f,n Σt; g ∉ dom Σt; g≠f; 
                ϑ1 = map_of (zip (varsAPP Σf g) ti);
                ϑ2 = map_of (zip (regionsAPP Σf g) ρs) ++ [self \<mapsto> ρself];
               (bodyAPP Σf g) : \<lbrace> (ϑ1,ϑ2) , tf \<rbrace> |] ==>  
             \<Turnstile>f, n Σt(g\<mapsto>(ti,ρs,tf))"

(* The subexpresion e of f's body satisfies the static assertion \<lbrace>ϑ,t\<rbrace>
   up to depth n in the context of ΣT *)
constdefs SafeRegionDAssDepthCntxt ::
  "unit Exp => RegionEnv => string => nat => ThetaMapping => TypeExpression => 
   bool"  ("_ , _ :_ , _ \<lbrace> _ , _ \<rbrace>" 1000)
  "SafeRegionDAssDepthCntxt e Σm f n ϑ t ≡  
   ( \<Turnstile>f,n Σm -->  e :f,n \<lbrace> ϑ , t \<rbrace>)"
